Monday, December 8, 2014

You can untie the knot, Anna Kinberg Batra – Expressen

You can untie the knot, Anna Kinberg Batra – Expressen

Anna Kinberg Batra faces two choices: either to talk SD through moderate local politicians, or directly with Stefan Löfven, writes Viggo Cavling.

Swedish politics are in a vise. Sweden Democrats’ political ultimatum has been Prime Minister Stefan Löfven pressing extra touch key. In my opinion has Löfven in doing so proved that he is unfit to lead the country. It would have been politically more honest to like Ingvar Carlsson 1990 resign and go to the President. But it did not dare Löfven. This weekend he went out and instead accused the SD to be a fascist party. It is quite clear that the Sweden Democrats rock found in Nazism and racism, but today the party is a xenophobic and value conservative party. SD’s wet dream is that additional election will be a referendum on immigration in Sweden. Löfvens statements plays SD straight into their hands.

Incoming Conservative leader Anna Kinberg Batra now have an opportunity to untie the knot in Swedish politics.

 Photo: Sven Lindwall

Her predecessor, Fredrik Reinfeldt resigned maximum unexpectedly on election night. His “open your hearts” strategy had failed. The alliance of voters who wanted to open their hearts chose the left block and the voters who preferred to hold on tight to your wallet chose SD. I am confident that Reinfeldt’s main reason for the resignation was SD. He realized that his policy was at an end. 13 percent of Swedish voters is a tsunami in Swedish politics that can not be ignored, especially if you are leader of the party whose voters think most ample SD. Eight years ago chose Reinfeldt to make up with the MP on immigration policy. Since then, there are only two positions in Swedish immigration policy: SD and MP. It is this reality that Anna Kinberg Batra step onto the stage. I am confident that she will launch her time at the helm alliance to go around the country and meet with moderate councilor. These will tell you that they have lunch with SD at least once a week and they are worth listening to. When this little tour is over, Anna announce that immigration to Sweden should be reduced by a few percentage points. Do Kindberg Batra this may SD immediately resume its role as bourgeois support party and election in 2015 can be about anything other than immigration.

There are many issues that I think it’s important that we discuss. What should people do when 50 percent of all the professions we know today will disappear with the digital revolution? The energy issue: How do we keep the heat in the Arctic boundary if we darken your nuclear power? How should our education remain world class, while it flows into new Swedes, which I support? How do we get both breadth and in the Swedish school? Where will people live when moving to Stockholm? These are some of the questions that the election in 2015 should be about.

Anna Kinberg Batra has an alternative to. Reaching out to Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and form an S + M-government.

It works in many municipalities and in the case of practical politics is the S & amp; M agreed on all major issues: Las: yes, nuclear power: yes, Bromma airport: yes, gains in welfare: yes, Stockholm Bypass: yes, arms exports: yes, weapons factories in Saudi Arabia: yes. I am convinced that Löfven receives Batra and that they can form a strong government. Takes Löfven not receive Batra Kindberg, I am confident that he will resign after the election and that his legacy will lift Hakan Juholt from last place in Swedish politics.

Viggo Cavling
is an entrepreneur and lecturer


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