Thursday, April 30, 2015

DN / Ipsos: Gloomy anniversary of S – Daily News





The times are hard when Stefan Löfven and the Social Democrats on Friday celebrates the labor movement’s anniversary. The Social Democrats supported by 27.7 percent of voters – the second lowest rate ever on May 1


DN / Ipsos April survey also shows that it is now a dead heat between the blocks.






The times are hard when Stefan Löfven and the Social Democrats on Friday celebrates the labor movement’s anniversary. The Social Democrats supported by 27.7 percent of voters – the second lowest rate ever on May 1


DN / Ipsos April survey also shows that it is now a dead heat between the blocks.

According to meteorology, it will be a chilly and rainy May 1st Even on the largest government party blowing cold winds. When Prime Minister Stephen Löfven stand on stage at the main square in Sundsvall to speak, he has a tough time behind him, with criticism about the broken campaign promises and doubts about the government’s job policy.

The DN / Ipsos April Measurement is supported by the Social Democrats 27.7 percent of the voters. The party has lost the support of three consecutive measurements and the decline since January is statistically significant.


– In March gave voters the government a low rating in our measurement of confidence in the government’s work. Such usually break through in the parties’ opinion polls. The Social Democrats have a clear negative trend in public opinion, said David Ahlin, opinion director at Ipsos.

Since measurements began in 1979, the Social Democrats only celebrated May 1 with less public support on one occasion -, 1991.

The former S-Government , led by Ingvar Carlsson was plagued by criticism from the trade union movement and a looming economic crisis that forced the party to change course in several key areas.

Several promises, including a extension of parental insurance, had been abandoned.

Although this year has broken promises played a prominent role in the debate. The Government vårändringsbudget are proposals to raise the gasoline tax and reduce the tax deduction, changes that the Social Democrats are not announced during the election campaign.

– There are two rather unpopular proposal. Moreover, it is at odds with what the Social Democrats promised during the election campaign, says David Andersson.

Compared with the choice is Stefan Löfven and Social Democrats reduction is far from unique. After the parliamentary elections in 1994 and 1998, the Social Democrats major opinion-pin first of May next year than is the case this year.

The Social Democrats’ government partner the Green Party stands still, like the Left Party included in government documents. Together collects the three red-green parties a subsidy of 41.1 percent. The blocks are now basically equal. Later it occurred was in November.

The four Alliance parties has been an aid of 40.8 percent. All four parties will increase slightly but within the margin of error. The new regular public opinion situation may mean that demands to scrap the December Consensus is growing in strength.

– Civil voters already have difficulty accepting that the Alliance releases the front left-wing politics. A changed public opinion position, with a weaker support for the government and stronger support for the Alliance parties, could increase pressure on the bourgeois parties to reconsider the December agreement, says David Andersson.

Although it is a dead heat in the opinion is the Alliance on one of the historically low level.

– It is not particularly good for the Alliance. It’s Sweden Democrats, which continues to gain ground, says David Andersson.

Sweden Democrats increased within the error margin to 14.6 percent, the party’s highest level ever in Ipsos surveys.

Since the last voter barometer has been party leader Jimmie Åkesson returned from sick leave, which meant a lot of publicity for the party.

Meanwhile, internal brawl, which ended with several senior representatives were excluded, also received great publicity.

– SD has an incredible ability to constantly stay in the media spotlight, says David Andersson.

As in previous scandals around the Sweden Democrats see the party appears to have been strengthened even this time.

– That it is messy and untidy one is quite accustomed. The image that I think remains of many when it comes to these exclusions is that the party cleans away and keep clean of racism, says David Andersson.






“Just because I’m skinny people think they are offending me” – Nyheter24

Evelina Qvist: “You who say it is worse to be fat than to be thin; you are just like the people who poke us in the stomach and say that we see the sick out “

There are many articles on the internet where overweight people writing about it is not the same to be too narrow to be of thick. Fine, it’s not the same.

What’s the difference? Well, that society thinks it is okay to say to a person that the hen is too narrow. Then it is that the “bothering” compared to say an overweight person to hen need to lose weight, then it is evil.

● If you sit in a Sofa so people think they can press down any number with you in the middle, for you are so narrow so it does not become tedious.

● If you sit on a chair so want the heavier sit, you can of course stand up, you are so small will not be as tired.

● Just like overweight people may have difficulty to find clothes that fit so also for narrow people there.

● Sits well in length as it sits not at the waist, it sits well in the waist so are the pants too short, too long , too lax or too tight.

● If the linen happen to slip up a little to get a finger run in the hip and commentary, oh eh bony!

● Will You poked in the ribs and are told that you look sick?

● People think they do not need to move, you’re so narrow so you will pass.

● Being too skinny is not seen as a problem in society that being overweight does.

● Talking to an overweight person of hens weight can be rigidly to mention.

● Talking with the thin person of hens weight seems to be okay.

I do not know what it is like to be overweight because I have never weighed more than 60 kg, but you who are overweight and believe that overweight and too thin is not the same thing, you do not know.

You are just like people poking us in the stomach and say that we see the sick out.

It is just as offensive to call someone too thick as to call someone for bony.

Evelina Qvist,
“Too narrow,” according to many


Several injured when the police car drove into the crowd – Aftonbladet

Here ränner police car straight into the crowd in the square.

Four were taken to hospital – police claim that something was wrong with the vehicle.

– It is extremely unbelievable, says Jörgen Lundälv, traffic researchers.

Police received an alarm if a larger fraction of the Civic Square just after the clock 18 on Walpurgis Night. A large number of students had gathered in the square and under the alarm to the police attended between 10 and 100 people in the fight.

– Police were sent to the scene because of a fight, says Albin Birch bark Mountains, information officer at the Stockholm police.

injured by police vehicles

In connection with the call-out was driving a civilian police car ahead Civic Square.

According to a number of witnesses drove the car straight to a crowd that was supported by a movie recording Aftonbladet can now publish.

Four people were taken to hospital, according to police. Three of them should have had back pain and a fourth person was taken to hospital because of an asthma attack.

– I do not know if it could have triggered an asthma attack, says Towe Hägg, information officer at the Stockholm police.

According to the police the driver of the vehicle having stated that it was not possible to stop the police car.

High speed

Inger Malmström became a witness to the incident, saying that the police car was high speed.

– At least 30-40 kilometers per hour and it was soon in the crowd.

She was the first head of one of the injured.

– He was conscious and could not breathe. I handed over to the ambulance. Beside him lay a girl, I do not know how it was with her.

Another witness, Michael, was near the accident.

– It started as a big fight. I saw girls who tried to stop the altercation, which received bangs. Then I went in to try and calm down the whole thing.

– The police car came in very high speed and drove straight into the crowd. I heard the sound of bodies that was hit by the car, three people just flew up in the air.

“flew up in the air”

He is critical because he believes that it was long before the ambulance was in place.

– It certainly took 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile caught five piketer and as many regular police cars at the scene.

The incident will now be investigated by the police unit for internal investigations.

– It is unfortunate when people are injured by a police car not going to stay, says Towe Hägg.

Jorgen Lundälv is Associate Professor of Traffic Medicine at Umeå University. He has been especially engaged accidents involving emergency vehicles since 2002.

– I’m shocked when I see a police car in the square among all people. It is extremely unlikely that there is a problem with police cars.

According to the witnesses Aftonbladet has talked with the car had no siren on and not tutat to warn people.

– I am shaken by what I see on film, I’ve never seen anything like it, says Jörgen Lundälv.

The police state that they will write a complaint of ill-treatment on account of the initial altercation.

– But we have not found any that are damaged, so we have no information on who has fought, says Towe Hägg.


Several injured when the police car drove towards the crowd – Aftonbladet

At least two people were injured at Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm when they were hit by a speeding police car.

The event should have begun as a fight with a larger number of people.

– Possibly it’s something police vehicles that have damaged any person, says Albin Birch bark Berg of the Stockholm police.

Police received an alarm if a larger fraction of the Civic Square just after 18 o’clock on May Day Eve. A large number of students had gathered in the square and under the alarm to the police participated up to 100 people in the fight.

– There have been some big fights and police were sent to the scene, says Albin Birch bark Mountains.

injured by police vehicles

In connection with the call-out was driving a civilian police car ahead Civic Square.

According to a number of witnesses drove the car straight at the crowd, which is also supported by video recordings.

Three people were injured, according to police, and taken to hospital.

– There is someone who has been injured by a police vehicle, said Albin Birch bark Mountains.

According to the police the driver of the vehicle having stated that it was not possible to stop the car, which is now taken seized. The incident will now be investigated by the Department of Internal uterdningar.

High speed

Inger Malmström was a witness and says that the police car was high speed.

– At least 30-40 kilometers per hour and it was soon in the crowd.

She was the first head of one of the injured.

– He was unconscious and could not breathe. I handed over to the ambulance. Beside him lay a girl, I do not know how it was with her.

“flew up in the air”

Another witness, Michael, was also by chance.

– It started as a big fight. I saw girls who tried to stop the altercation, which received bangs. Then I went in to try and calm down the whole thing.

– The police car came in very high speed and drove straight into the crowd. I heard the sound of bodies that was hit by the car, three people just flew up in the air.

He is critical that it took so long before paramedics were in place.

– The certainly took 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile caught five piketer and as many regular police cars at the scene.


Several injured in police car – Swedish Dagbladet

The driver did not stop the car, according to police.

The collision occurred when the police were alerted to Medborgarplatsen in Södermalm for a larger fraction there early on Thursday.

According to several witnesses TT spoken with a civilian police car drove straight into a group of young people. And a video published by shows, while sirens howling, how a civilian car violently running on multiple people thrown by the blast.

– The driver would stop the car outside a fast food restaurant at Medborgarplatsen and did not Stop the car, said police spokesperson Towe Hägg.

A report will now be submitted to the police unit for internal investigations.

According to the initial information from the police conducted four people to hospital, three of those with back pain and one with asthma problems. Later in the evening it was stated that all four were conscious when they were taken to hospital, but police had no indication of damage.

Traffic researcher Jorgen Lundälv research on emergency driving. He has seen a movie of the collision and is shocked.

– I have not seen something similar with emergency vehicles, he said.

– If you drive up in a square and hurt people, I see it is a form of assault. This is unprotected road users.

Lundälv calls for police cars should be equipped with a so-called black box and a video camera.

Adam Hemberg, 19, sat on a terrace at Medborgarplatsen when everything happened.

– I heard a police siren switch on and turned around. I saw a civilian police car that burned in properly remove the square, he tells TT.

– The slowed down and I guess it ran in maybe 20 below 25 km h when it hit some people.

He says he saw two hit people, one that was two meters away from the car and that was three meters away.

Joar Nordenström tells that he saw the police car turn in from Götgatan and continue on the high speed of the square.

– It does not seem to make any attempt to slow down, so it runs right into a group of young people standing in a container, he said.

– Many of them pounded the bottom of the bonnet and the windscreen. One person fell to the ground just outside the police car and another person appeared to be unconscious, a few meters from the car.

Joar Nordenström says he saw three people carried away by paramedics on a stretcher and that many young people were shocked by the incident.

Another witness also tells of the high speed.

– Police drove really fast, he did not have to run so fast, says Ihab.


Race in trust for the S policy – Vasterbotten Courier

Domestic Confidence in the Social Democrats’ policy has fallen significantly compared to the period before the parliamentary elections in Last fall, a survey from TNS Sifo SVT News ordered.

In a survey before the election found 33 percent to S jobs policy was best, while 32 percent preferred the Moderates. Now public opinion has completely swung to the 38-22 of M’s favor.

Before the elections held is also 41 percent that M has the best economic policy, against 26 percent for S. Now the gap increased to 44-18.

As for school policies held 29 percent of S before the election, against 22 percent for runner-Liberal Party (FP). Now the S-line dropped to 17-16.

The TNS Sifo random Web panel this week said 1,309 people, against 1,001 in the investigation before the election.


Stop Alvedon in grocery stores – Swedish Radio

This fall stopped the sale of painkillers that Alvedon and Panadol in supermarkets. The MPA has decided.

– The reason is that since 2009 has seen a steady and significant increase in the number of cases of poisoning with paracetalmol. In 2013 we had more than 1 500 cases of this poisoning shape, which is very serious and can lead to life-threatening liver damage.

What do you mean by poisoning case?

– These are mainly of conscious self-injurious acts that deliberately takes an overdose in order to harm himself. Approximately 85 percent of these poisoning cases is precisely such a self-destructive actions.

What is it that makes this?

– There are younger, about 40 percent of the these cases are in the 15-24 age group. In three of four cases, these are women.

For the first time since it was allowed to sell medicines outside pharmacies – almost six years ago – the MPA has today decided to stop the sale of a preparation. It is thus about acetaminophen in tablet form.

As of November 1 it will no longer going to buy exemplevis Alvedon and Panadol in supermarkets and petrol stations. The decision concerns only ordinary tablets are swallowed whole, and not, for example, orodispersible tablets and effervescent tablets, says Rolf Gedeborg, doctors at the MPA.

– In normal use acetaminophen a very safe and valuable medicines. The purpose of this action is precisely that as little as possible impact on the standard of any use of acetaminophen, says Rolf Gedeborg.


Criticised psychiatrist risk leg – Medicine Today

The psychiatrist has been the subject of several lex Maria complaints, including a notable case of a then 17-year-old girl who was raped by a former police chief. Among other things, psychiatrists have denied the girl a female therapist and urged her to stop dwelling on.

Ivo writes that there are “huge gaps” in professional practice and requests that the Medical Responsibility recall papers.

– I have not received any information about this, and therefore I can not comment on that, says psychiatrist to


Go-ahead for the Mediterranean Action – Expressen

The government gives the Coast Guard the green light to go to the Mediterranean to participate In one of the Coast Guard’s aircraft was earlier this spring rescue to prevent more disasters like the last week.

– The situation in the Mediterranean is extremely serious. We now give the green light to the Coast Guard to make their resources available to prevent more disasters, says Interior Minister Anders Ygeman, in a press release.

The government announced in a statement on Thursday that it has given the green light to the Coast Guard to go to the Mediterranean to participate in operations led by the EU border control agency, Frontex.

The aim of the Swedish contribution is to participate in the rescue of ships, aircraft and personnel.

The announcement comes in response to the refugee disaster in the Mediterranean Sea recently when nearly 1,000 people died when a flyktingbåt fell.

The action shall under government financed by Frontex and will run from May 1 this year, 1 May 2016.

One of the Coast Guard’s aircraft was earlier in the spring down to the Mediterranean to assist FRONTEX in the rescue work directed against refugees in the Mediterranean.

After the EU’s top managers during a summit in Brussels last week agreed a series of actions to prevent similar disasters. Among other things by giving the EU border control agency Frontex triple the money to strengthen efforts in the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, criticism was directed against several of the initiatives. Among other things, criticized several points to too hard target to stop the refugees from coming to Europe.

But both Prime Minister Stephen Löfven and the Coast Guard has previously been clear that if Sweden sends resources to the Mediterranean Sea, it is with a focus on saving lives.

– Should we send down resources there are to save lives, said Löfven last week.


Here she hits back against tiggar-criticism – Expressen

Beatrice Ask defended the controversial proposal to forbid organized begging.

She acknowledges that it is difficult to establish the evidence available on how much of begging is organized.

– There is no proper mapping how the big picture looks like, says she told Expressen.

Expressen hits Beatrice Ask, President of the Justice Committee of the Swedish Radio’s house in Östermalm, where she interviewed in P1. Dagens Nyheter today unveiled Tomas Tobé (M) party secretary, and Ask a draft law against begging.

How will it go to?

– What we are proposing is to ban the organization of begging. That is, the actors who plans, organizes and operates on the type of activity. So it’s not the organizations we are looking for without these players, says Beatrice Ask and continues:

– The reason is: We do not accept that someone exploits vulnerable people.

How will the police be able to find out what that is organized begging and not?

– It is with another crime. One must assume that it will enrollments or to have suspicions.

What evidence is there that there is an organized begging?

– The’ve driven one and another case where one has tried this against human trafficking. It has not always been sufficient. Then there are, go out and look how it looks. We have large settlements, we have the organization out of this. It looks a little different. There is no proper mapping how the big picture looks like. But I think it is important that Sweden decides what is right and proper. Then this is to exploit people is something that we have to speak up.

After the M-MP Cecilia Magnusson’s gambit at DN Debate during the campaign, where she wanted to ban begging, you said that the ban does not solve the problem, and called her proposal for the unfortunate.

Why have you changed your mind?

– I have not changed my mind. I’m still excited to ban begging. We can not forbid people who are poor and vulnerable to ask for help. It would be fundamentally wrong, says Beatrice Ask.

Beatrice Ask will see a big difference with the M-proposal today and Magnus’s gambit.

– namely to try to access them using these people’s situation and there’s a difference, says Ash and continues:

– But then, is it so: Begging as it has become in Sweden and very quickly changed constitutes a societal concern. And for the people vulnerable, partly because it does not solve their problems. The solution probably lies more in their homeland.

Beatrice Ask considers that the Swedish authorities have to become better at dealing with issues relating to organized begging. What’s the situation?

– You have the illegal settlements. I saw recently last people who washed clothes in Clear Lake (a canal in central Stockholm). It might not be the most happy.

She also takes Enforcement evictions of settlements as an example:

– This is a misery that we do not want to see. Then we must give local authorities an opportunity to act and try to ensure that we do not get settlements based persistent. Then the slums or another, there are things we do not want.

According to Ash, the Swedish society is not prepared to handle the increase in begging.

– We abolished the rules we had to begging for a number of years ago, we felt that we no longer had the problem and that you could get help in other ways. Now the world has changed. Then you need to review the Public Order Act, order the Charter and the legislation we propose to criminalize the organization of begging.

Should I get begging on their own initiative?

– We can not ban begging. However, it so, if I may take a concrete example: In some municipalities, it is for the Red Cross or Save the children should have a collection to get notify and state police, which the police tell you where to get collect money and in what way. Regarding begging are not the rules. But perhaps it is such that if we see that there are some who are trying to decide where to stand, maybe even charge for the use of certain places, then maybe we need to think about whether municipalities should have the right to require notification or authorization for that kind of business too.

Martin Valfridsson, your former secretary of state is now national coordinator for work with vulnerable EEA nationals. He sees begging as an alternative to the supply of beggars home countries.

– So it is. In Romania and Bulgaria, especially Roma a very vulnerable situation. No jobs, difficulties in housing. Some have not even social security number or identity documents. They obviously need income to support themselves and their families. Then, some have found that this is a possibility. But it is not the long term solution. They need education, parent living conditions and social protection and jobs. This government has a responsibility to work within the EU and bilaterally, and an opportunity to make a difference.

The proposal has already received criticism both from representatives of the Moderate Youth League as the Liberal Party and the Christian Democrats today.

How do you see the reactions?

– There are many opinions on this, but the answer is: how do they see the situation that people in distress? That the number of beggars is increasing, and the problems it can create in the future? What we have done is to try to thrash out a number of measures that we believe makes us better able to handle the difficulties people face. It is clear that there are different views on this. Otherwise it would not be an interesting question. But I think it’s good if there will be other proposals. Interest not do anything not solve a single problem.


M peaks: Criminalise organized begging – Aftonbladet

The Moderates Beatrice Ask and Thomas Tobé want to criminalize organized begging.

They want, among other things, that municipalities should be able to “hire staff that maintains order regulations,” they write in Dagens Nyheter .

Former Justice Minister Beatrice Ask and the Moderates’ party secretary Tomas Tobé are concerned about begging.

“It is a regrettable and worrying development which often involves difficult conditions for the people as it is about “they believe.

In today’s Dagens Nyheter writes that” the solution to the problems is not to be passive in the face increasing begging on the streets of Sweden “.

They think therefore at the party meeting in the fall suggest that “organizing begging to be criminalized,” and want to see a sharpening of existing laws.

On Dagens Nyheter writes that the municipalities have to get tools to manage development. For example, they want to “clarify” the rules are those of residents at municipal and private land and see the Public Order Act.

“The country’s municipalities must have better opportunities to ensure the illegal settlements do not occur, or permanent. Therefore we want to, among other things, make it possible to allow municipalities employ staff who maintain order Regulations. Today it is only the police who have the authority “they write in the DN.

They also want the government to take the initiative at EU level to put pressure on other Member States. Tobé and Ash writes that countries such as Romania and Bulgaria must act forcefully to deal with social problems in the country.

“In order to overcome exclusion of the people it involves, they must have the opportunity for education and sustainable livelihood for themselves and their families, “they wrote in Dagens Nyheter.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

M wants to ban begging – Eskilstuna Courier

 Moderates want that organized begging is prohibited in Sweden. The party would, among other things, that the municipalities be given the opportunity to hire personnel order to ensure that the illegal settlements are not made permanent.

“Conservatives do not want to forbid individuals to beg but we can not accept a comprehensive and organized begging in the country,” the party secretary Tomas Tobé and the Chairman of the Committee on Justice Beatrice Ask on Dagens Nyheter.

In the article it is not crystal clear what counts as “organized” begging, but the authors refer to a report presented by the County Administrative Board in Stockholm last year, where the assessment was that between 300 and 500 people during 2013 can be used for begging. The information in this report was based on information from police, municipalities and NGOs.

The country’s laws apply

Tobé and Ask now calling for more and updated mapping for the better in detail to clarify what the situation is today, “but the number of beggars and the extensive distribution in the country suggest that it is often based on an organized and structured activities.”

According to the latest estimates, these are for between 4 000 and 6 000 people are SIIG in Sweden in order to beg and number can be expected to rise further.

The article states that it is mostly people from EU countries begging, particularly from Romania and Bulgaria and the authors state that freedom of movement is a “fundamental pillar of EU cooperation.”

“But the freedom is not absolute and may already be restricted on grounds of public order, security or health. Everyone must Moreover, following the legislation in each member country, “writes both the Conservatives.

Terms of eviction

In specific terms, the municipalities get” tool to meet challenges on the streets, squares and parks. This includes the ability to “ensure that the illegal settlements do not arise or become permanent.”

The authors also want to order the law to be reviewed as well as the rules of residence and eviction on private land, and to the regulatory framework for Kronofogdemyndigheten simplified.

M-proposal, which also includes increased demands on those EU countries the majority of beggars come from, will be presented to the party meeting in the fall.


Man killed in traffic accident – Radio Sweden

A man in his 40s was killed in a serious traffic accident at East City outside Motala Wednesday afternoon.

The car the man was traveling in crashed with a truck on the highway in 1050 at the height of the East City at 16 o’clock.

– It was a violent collision, the car was thrown out of a field in the clash, says Fredrik Kliman, spokesperson at the Östergötland police to P4 Östergötland.

The man was taken to University Hospital in Linköping with life-threatening injuries. He died during the night.

In the car there were , also a woman and a child. They escaped without serious injuries but shock was hard.

– The truck overturned in the collision, right now is way off, says Kliman at 21:50 o’clock. The road is expected to open again at midnight.


Guilty verdicts for Limhamnsvägen Meeting – Swedish Dagbladet

Malmö District Court criticizes the weakness of the evidence and believe together that it is impossible to link the trio to the alleged offenses in connection with the demonstrations in Malmö district Limhamn. The three were accused of, among other things rioting.

The judgment states that while there has been violence on a number of occasions during the hours that the demonstration took place. But the evidence from filmaterialet do not agree to convict the accused.

The court also questions about violence at the rally reaches a level that can be classed as violent riots. No such thing existed, at least not in the context of the current charges, according to the law.

Prosecutor Jörgen Larsson, who pushed the prosecution does not buy that argument.

– The violence that crowd exercise would not reach up to the level just when the accused is acting, that’s what I think is a miscalculation, he said.

The verdict will likely be appealed. Another seven people have been charged for rioting. For them, the trial starting in August-September.


Woman seriously injured in balcony cases – Vasterbotten Courier

A woman was severely injured when she fell from an apartment balcony in Rinkeby in Stockholm. What caused the case is not clear and police have launched a preliminary investigation of attempted murder.

The woman was transferred by ambulance to the hospital.

Several people who were in proximity to the apartment were taken into for questioning. They later had to leave the police station and is not suspected of crimes.

– The technical investigation continues on Thursday, says Eva Nilsson, Communications at the Stockholm police.

The incident occurred on Wednesday morning.


Alice abused acetaminophen: “Effective Ways to Die” – Radio Sweden

Alice was 17 years old the first time she tried to harm himself with the help of paracetamol. The number of cases of poisoning precisely acetaminophen has increased, therefore prohibiting it now in stores.

For almost six years ago, it was allowed to sell painkillers containing paracetamol, which Alvedon and Panadol, in supermarkets. But today decided MPA to precisely the sort of tablets should only be available at the pharmacies.

So, in the fall ends supermarkets sell these painkillers.

Many more cases

The number of cases of poisoning by acetaminophen has increased since the tablets began to be sold in regular grocery stores. The MPA says that it is mainly about conscious self-destructive acts, where people deliberately takes an overdose of harming themselves.

About 85 percent of poisoning cases of paracetamol that sort of documents.

Alice tried to harm himself

Poisoning Falls is mainly about young people between 15-24 years and most are girls.

Alice was only 17 years old the first time she tried to harm himself with the help of paracetamol.

– I felt very bad about myself and learned that paracetamol was an effective way to damage body and die. I think I overdosed about five or six times in the course of three years, she says.

“can stop the momentum of the overdose”

Alice do not think that an overdose of paracetamol will disappear just because it removed from grocery stores. She believes, however, that it can stop many self-harm attempts that occurs on pure impulse.

– I have overdosed on pure impulse because of panic attacks. I did before paracetamol sold in supermarkets, but I’d probably done more overdoses if it was available at the time, she says, and concludes:

– Today withstand I do not painkillers anymore, but if I take a tablet I vomit immediately. It is a hassle in itself but the knowledge that I would harm myself in a way is harder, she says. I’m quite against drugs in the day and just think it should be used in emergencies.

Alice’s really something else.


The fatal accident was not a hit and run – Swedish Radio

A man was killed when he was hit outside Tenhult and the police suspected it was a hit and run accident. But the investigation showed otherwise.

It is not certain that it was a hit and run accident that was behind the fatal accident outside Tenhult the end of February. The forensic examination shows that the man was lying down on the road already, when he was hit.

In the darkness, several motorists drove at him, and the theory was that someone previously motorist run away from the scene. But as the investigation now shows that he was lying down when he was hit is not certain that anyone shied from the site. No one is suspected of any crime.

Why the man lying on the road are unclear, but he was under police intoxicated by alcohol.


Traffic on the Øresund Bridge – Swedish Dagbladet

Commuter traffic between Sweden and Denmark have declined for several years in a row, but now it has turned. It increased by 1.4 percent in the first quarter, as the consortium president Caroline Ullman-Hammer points out as particularly gratifying.

In addition to the increase in traffic is favored consortium economics of continued low interest rates and low inflation, which overall led to a improved results. The surplus first quarter was converted into Swedish currency SEK 260 million, compared with SEK 210 million the corresponding period last year.


New app fixes cat to rat problems – Vasterbotten Courier

The Londoners with mouse problems can nowadays with the help of an app bring home a cat that controls the situation. The idea is that everyone involved will benefit from the project.

Yes, except the mice were then.

A collaboration between animal welfare organization Woodgreen and cleaning companies to come to grips with the problem of mice and rats.

With a new app, the person free to borrow a stray cat until gnagarproblemet is resolved. And the cat gets in the same way a foster home for a time. Wood Green sees it as a good way for cats to get away for a while from the shelter.

– We have over 200 cats that need a nice home, for some of them it would be good temporarily be cared for in the home, says Juliette Jones at the organization to The Guardian.

And the cleaning company has noticed that more customers asked the company to bring a cat when they come to clean up, just to be of the mice.

In app presented each cat with photos and life story. Although cat loan is free encouraged customers according to The Guardian to donate a penny, and it is hoped that some will take a fancy to cats so they choose to make the temporary foster home to a permanent.


Sun-and-springlike online Revealed – Helsingborgs Dagblad

In the most common layup, 23-year-old stated that a friend needed help and asked the women to transfer money to his friend. 23-year-old has vowed to replace them, but did not. The victims have been cheated of everything 5000-130000 crowns.

The 23-year-old suspected of fraud and helpers for complicity in fraud, receiving stolen money alternatively proceeds receiving.

– He admits circumstances. They are essentially undisputed, says 23-year-old defender Dick Levinson.


Stop Alvedon in the supermarket – Dagens Medicin

The Medical Products Agency has decided on the sales end to paracetamol tablets in retail.

The reason is that more and more poisoned by pain pills since the sale was allowed outside pharmacies almost six years ago – especially young women who deliberately try to harm themselves.

– We want to take a measure which has such a strong impact as possible on these impulse documents and as little effect as possible on the normal use, says Rolf Gedeborg, researcher at the Medical Products Agency.

The ban will take effect on 1 November. The decision concerns only ordinary tablets are swallowed whole, and not, for example, suppositories, solutions, orodispersible tablets and effervescent tablets.

The background is a study that MPA done and that shows that the number of poisoning cases doubled between 2000 and 2013. One clear trend seen after 2009, when paracetamol went on sale outside pharmacies. Since then, the number of people poisoned increased by 40 percent – from about 1100 to just over 1 500th

The conclusion is that there is a coincidence in time between the increased availability of paracetamol and the number who become poisoned.

– We see a clear increase in the number of poisoning cases are essentially self-destructive acts, namely impulse documents where you know there is a connection to availability. When availability increased so did this problem, says Rolf Gedeborg.

It is not considered likely that the increase would be due to chance and not because there are more of paracetamol in society overall.

That it basically only receptförskriven paracetamol has increased in sales during the period – and which therefore can not buy, for example, petrol stations and in the supermarket – play according to the MPA no role.

– There is a misunderstanding that there would be a direct link between how much acetaminophen which is normally used and the number of poisonings. The absolute majority of the normal use is no problem, and it is also not so that you would have an increased tendency to poison themselves to more others use acetaminophen normal, says Rolf Gedeborg.

What effect the measure can get the number of poisoning cases, the MPA can not yet assess.

– We follow how this problem develops.

TT: How do you see the possibility of increasing the use of other OTC drugs against pain and fever, which may also have negative consequences for health?

– It is important to remember that acetaminophen will still be available outside pharmacies in other forms. As for alternative drugs available for sale outside pharmacies have been assessed as safe and it’s not dependent on what other products sold, says Rolf Gedeborg.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sun-and-springlike online Revealed – Vasterbotten Courier

A suspect sun-and-springlike have been identified by the police in Eskilstuna.

The 16 women around the country have fallen for a 23 year old who along with several aides suspected of having cheated them out of money.

– 23-year-old has sought contact with the girls on various dating sites and Facebook and manipulated them into believing that they will initiate any kind of relationship. Then he started asking for money, says fraud investigator Lina Forsling Parborg.


Shortcomings in child cancer – Dagens Industri

Shortcomings in child cancer

                  2015-04-29 04:03

Despite considerable research efforts, the survival of the most severe forms of childhood cancer has not improved in the last 15 years, reports the SR echo.

Today cure eight out of ten cancer patients children in Sweden. But for the most seriously ill prognosis is still dismal.

A partial explanation may be, according to Professor Per Kogner at the Karolinska Institute, to be that Sweden is not the organization of research as trying out new drugs for children with cancer.


The motive still a mystery in the case Yara – Göteborgs-Posten

Eight-year-old Yara Alnajjar beaten to death with a rolling pin on May Day Eve last year – almost exactly a year later, nearing the end of the second lawsuit about the girl’s death.

But the subject is still a big hole in the investigation.

A woman and a man of Yara’s immediate vicinity – the uncle and his wife – were convicted in Blekinge District Court . In the couple of Karlskrona would Yara avoid the bombs in Gaza and instead get a secure existence. But it ended with the death of the little girl.

– It is quite clear that Yara deprived of life in the couple’s home. We have bloodstains throughout the apartment, we have a rolling pin with blodavstrykningar and splashes, we have tufts of hair drawn out with force. Violence against Yara has taken place in the home, says chief prosecutor Pernilla Åström.

“Both equally responsible”

She appealed the District Court judgment to allow the Court of Appeal considered whether the man’s passivity when the girl was beaten to death is so serious that he can be tried for murder just like the woman.

– If there are one or two who distributed the fatal blows does not really matter. Both are equally responsible by the named underwriter responsibility, says Åström.

– By failing to intervene makes you guilty of murder, just as if you yourself had exercised violence.

Yara’s peers have told the hearing that the girl feared for his life. She did not think it would be weekend – because of fear of being beaten by both the man and the woman says Åström.

– My firm opinion is that both should be convicted of murder and if so, to life prison.

burst into tears

The day of the trial did not even start before the convicted woman burst into tears. On the way into the hearing room, she saw a witness who her lawyer Eric Widner called – a distant relative who should have lived with the couple for a short time.

The witness tells about his view of the condemned man: A jealous husband who abused his wife.

– Sometimes, frankly, he’s not a normal human being, he says.

With a sharp eye looking woman contact with the man during witness examination. But he remains seated with his head bowed against the table.

The man’s defense lawyer learns return to the crucial issue from last lawsuit. Will man be judged as hard as the woman? From the district court’s side is his uncle’s guilt that he, with his so-called guarantor position for Yara, did not protect her from the brutal and deadly violence.

Facts: The case Yara

On May Day Eve last year found an eight-year girl from Gaza lifeless at the home of his uncle in Karlskrona.

During the time that the girl lives with relative alerted social services several times that she probably mistreated. Police faxed the last orosanmälan to social services at Easter. There, lying in a postbox.

The municipality did not register that the fax was regarded as a notification. The fax was discovered only after the girl’s death.

In Blekinge District Court sentenced the woman to life imprisonment for murder. The man was convicted of aggravated assault and aggravated manslaughter. He was sentenced for failing to intervene in the underwriting position and is considered to have been involved in the deadly assault.

Sources: Police, North District Court and Karlskrona Municipality

On May Day Eve last year found an eight-year girl from Gaza lifeless at the home of his uncle in Karlskrona.

During the time that the girl lives with relative alerted social services several times that she probably mistreated. Police faxed the last orosanmälan to social services at Easter. There, lying in a postbox.

The municipality did not register that the fax was regarded as a notification. The fax was discovered only after the girl’s death.

In Blekinge District Court sentenced the woman to life imprisonment for murder. The man was convicted of aggravated assault and aggravated manslaughter. He was sentenced for failing to intervene in the underwriting position and is considered to have been involved in the deadly assault.

Sources: Police, North District Court and Karlskrona Municipality


Person shot in Jakobsbergsgatan – Eskilstuna Courier

One person has been shot near Jakobsbergs center in Järfälla outside Stockholm.

There does not appear to be life threatening, but that person was talbar, says Lars Bystrom the police in Stockholm.

The alarm came in 16:52 since several witnesses alerted that someone had been shot outdoors. In the beginning, did not the police The victim. Each person is later found not want to Bystrom comment.

Police have cordoned off the area, set up check points for vehicles and also ransacked a commuter train on Jakobsbergs station. Although technical investigation is carried out.

No one has been arrested.
