We There are many who go back and forth through Sweden to visit family and relatives on Christmas Eve. Using the internet, it will be less stressful for both those who travel and those who are waiting for julgäster.
When will they really? To sit and wait for the guests who travel from afar is a little dicey. You think they should have been here a long time ago but do not want to call and disturb. Could it have been an accident?
Being the person driving the car is not easy. It took a lot longer than you thought to pack up everything and then you became stuffed by roadworks and the children grew need to go all root beer.
CALCULATING travel time realistically get help from an insurance company for years. Surf to restider.dina.se and enter the start and finish. Then you can share programming with those who wait. You also get SMS about anything with weather or traffic changed your route.
APP Waze is a social trafikapp that helps you keep track of accidents and traffic congestion in your way. It's perfect if you have older children in the car. The report accidents and other things and know if there are others with waze out and about in the vicinity. There are also things to collect on that gives points. It is possible to share the details of the journey from Waze also. Waze also has voice navigation.
GLYMPSE's even better when it comes to showing your location. You decide how long you want to share your location and with whom. Then, the receiver can see your location on a map and do not need to consider where you are. The position is visible and the speed at which you move.
Both apps available for the iPhone, Android and Windows Phone, and easy to get started with.
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