Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Supreme Commander portend big hole in your wallet – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

Supreme Commander portend big hole in your wallet – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

It feels Supreme Commander Sverker Goranson, who now want to discuss how the ability to be raised.

This spring was agreed Defence of what the Armed Forces should be able to accomplish given the stringent security situation with a more aggressive Russia. Now the Armed Forces returned with his proposal to government on how that level is to be achieved. And it will not be cheap. Supreme Commander Sverker Goranson would not say in detail how much more money is needed – it has not figured out yet. But it is clear that there is no substantial resources.

– There will not be enough with hundreds of millions if we are to fulfill all the expectations expressed in the preparation. Thereupon is no doubt, he says.

The Advisory Council’s proposal is the basis for the parliamentary decisions on defense policy direction that will apply in 2020. There are steps that will improve the ability of Sweden to pacify its borders in the sky and sea . More is needed, among other things, to prevent submarine and air violations.

– There are proposals in that area but still it is not enough, says Goranson.

defense capability needed to be raised in five steps suggests Armed Forces. Financial contributions for the period should be brought forward. Some investments in stock should be moved to the staff and exercises.

If the ability is raised, Sweden will take an unnecessarily high risk of encountering different courses of events, according to the documents supporting the government. The risk is spelled Russia and the scenario is an escalation from there.

– This might eventually become more violations and so it becomes progressively worse if it goes away in time. It is the task of the Armed Forces, to cope with the worst if it happens, and before that create a threshold to resist it, says Goranson.

He denies that the Armed Forces’ statement should be seen as part in a bargaining game.


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