Friday, December 12, 2014

Police reported for illegal registration – Swedish Radio

Police reported for illegal registration – Swedish Radio

Both the police in Västra Götaland and Östergötland violates the Police Act and register sensitive personal information without reason. It considers the regulator Security and Integrity, SIN reporting Västra Götaland police to prosecutors.

Since their last year ruled out Skåne police called Strolling Register as unlawful on several points The committee has gone ahead and examined police in Västra Götaland and Östergötland. Here also believes SIN that the police engaged in illegal registration. In one case has been decided to notify the police in West Bengal to prosecutors.

– An error concerning a person who was registered as Swedish and that he converted to Islam. Where could we then conclude that the task had absolutely no connection to any criminal activity and it gave the impression that this was a recording of that person just because of his religion. It is strictly forbidden to register in that way, says Sigurd Heuman, chairman of the SIN.

In Västra Götaland, the Board also found a directory of over 180 people who completely legal protested against rejections. In that case, police have themselves made a complaint to the National Unit for polismål.

Further examples of crimes against Police Act as his’ve found is that police described the registered persons Gypsy, Roma, Kurds or Jew. Although data on a person’s health has been noted. According to SIN, these are about sensitive data which were not necessary for the police to register.

The same type of error Skåne police previously been criticized found even in this review. This applies, for example, that the purpose of the alert has been unclear, that too many people have access, that there is no thinning out the data and that you have not noticed who is suspected of a crime or not. Therefore, even more checks to be made.

– The committee has said that we will certainly continue this examination. We believe that if you have seen this kind of wrong in so many places and at such large police forces, there is reason to fear that there may be elsewhere too, says Sigurd Heuman.

After SIN: The decision by Strolling registry has The Attorney General has granted over 2500 persons damages at 5 000 each, at a cost of over 13 million as Skåne police may stand for. The Board also examined a new database Skåne police established, with some data from the previously criticized Strolling Register. The Board believes that Skåne police follow the law.


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