Sunday, December 14, 2014

Persson’s advice to Löfven: Stay away from the C and FP – Aftonbladet

Persson's advice to Löfven: Stay away from the C and FP – Aftonbladet

Annie Loof and Jan Björklund has gone to the right of the Moderates.

Therefore, Stefan Löfven stay away from the C and FP, beat Goran Persson fixed.

– Those invited are a little strange, says the former prime minister of SVT’s “Agenda”.

Stefan Löfven searched for government formation again Once the support of the bourgeois parties, mainly C and FP. His stated goal was to break blocks policy that makes SD to tip the scales.

– If none of the blocks get majority there will be two options: cooperate across block boundaries or cooperate with the Sweden Democrats. To cooperate with the SD is not an option, said Stefan Löfven last week.

“Is a bit strange”

But the Alliance parties have not gone the S-leader to meet. Instead, they turned down his invitations in strong terms:

– I will not resign myself to nod yes to a budget that is based on the Left Party and the Green Party’s left agenda, said the Center leader Annie Loof earlier this week.

Despite the said Stefan Löfven later than the day before yesterday that he wants to increase cooperation across block boundaries for any gain in extraordinary election.

Now the strategy criticized by Göran Persson – as Stefan Löfven himself said that he had advice during the financial crisis.

In a taped interview on Swedish Television’s “Agenda” says Göran Persson:

– It seems to me that those invited to the Liberal Party and the Centre Party is a bit strange completely simple.

To the right of M

The former prime minister said that FP and C moved too far rightward to S should be able to work with them. According to him, the two parties no longer “my” parties.

– When you go out into the villages so you meet a centrist Semitic movement that is as before but what is in Stockholm, there are parties that are to the right of the Moderate Party.

In addition, claims S-veteran that FP or C would never leave the bourgeois bloc as long as the Alliance remains without a clear leader. Only when Anna Kinberg Batra (M) is selected, it becomes a “new situation”, according to Persson.

– To now in the meantime turn to the Liberal Party and the Centre Party are the only ones there and think that they would jump of bourgeois bloc and collaborate with social democracy is not realistic.

“Gotta do it”

But the criticism from Goran Persson does not stand unchallenged.

Former S -ledaren Mona Sahlin defends Stefan Löfvens attempt to appease the FP and C.

– Someone must break the block boundary and I think it is a given that S must do it. And talking to my parties are obvious in this heavy position, says Mona Sahlin in a comment to Aftonbladet.

Also earlier S-conductor, Ingvar Carlsson has been on the same track. After the SD voted down the government’s budget at the beginning of the month, he said in SVT’s News:

– We have moved from collaboration spirit to the extreme blocks policy. We must have a cooperation across the block boundary.


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