Monday, December 22, 2014

Lost the election in Kungshamn – Göteborgs-Posten

Lost the election in Kungshamn – Göteborgs-Posten

A ten-meter long whale strayed on Monday afternoon in the port of forceps in Kungshamn. The Coast Guard and emergency services trying to help it out to sea.

At 15:30 pm on Monday stuck elections, which can be a killer whale or humpback whale, inside the harbor tang , Kungshamn. The event was immortalized on film by Beppe Såthen from Kungshamn, who was in the vicinity.

– I was driving home and saw a big fuss in the harbor. A great choice were stuck under the bridge and could not get loose. People came there with the truck and tried to lift the bridge and push out the elections with the help of sticks, he says.

Live: Follow the rescue drama here.

Elections weighs according to Coast Guard personnel in place about 30 tonnes.

It was about five people on the spot from the beginning. Since it became much more.

– The elections seemed totally confused. It came loose and took a u-turn and headed ago right up against the beach on the other side. Then people came and tried to push it out. Then headed back to the dock. Now is it out there in the harbor and snorts, and it appears to be damaged. There will be blood from his back, says Beppe Såthen.

Read more: About humpback whale: “It’s really unique”

John Christoffersson, the officer in charge of Coast Guard southwest, confirming that a whale has been sighted.

– In cooperation with the emergency services in Sotenäs tried to help the elections out to sea. The Coast Guard is working from the sea and rescue services from the country, he said.

According to Erland Lettevall, investigator at the Marine and Water Authority, it is about a humpback whale. He has advised the Coast Guard to leave it in peace. It has severe damage, probably by propellers of a boat.

– There are plenty of examples where managed to scare the elections with the help of båtljud. If it feels it feels good, it will seek out a basic place to lie down and die. If it would founder on land then it is state game that takes care of it, he says to Bohusläningen.

John Christoffersson stated that the Coast Guard now allows choices to rest while waiting for the experts come to the site.

– There will be people from the Marine and Water Authority in Gothenburg, he said.


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