Monday, February 1, 2016

Proposed EU citizens receive criticism – Vestmanlands County Newspaper

The county administrative boards should be responsible for coordination of vulnerable EU citizens, suggests the government’s national coordinator Martin Valfridsson. And the Stockholm County Administrative Board is proposed to have an overarching responsibility.

Children The question is described by the investigator that the hardest part of the mission – to propose new legislation or commissions to agencies.

I do not think we generally will offer schooling for these children, says Valfridsson.

He says that EU citizens who come here adapts the signals the public send out. In the municipalities that provides schooling for children, there are also children who come here.

Martin Valfridsson do not want the municipalities to provide special settlements for the vulnerable EU citizens.

This creates new difficulties. The community helps to re-establish the slum communities that we so frantically worked to get away. The message is that you get to come here, but do you make it so you have to stay in a legal way. Society must have a rigorous approach to that we should not settle on someone else’s land, says Valfridsson.

“right to education”

The human rights perspective is lacking quite obvious says Robert Hårdh the human rights organization Civil Rights Defenders, which reacts strongly against the proposals.

It is very startling and upsetting. There is a lack of a human rights perspective. The Convention is very clear that all children should be guaranteed the right to education. It sounds very hollow when at the same time talking about equality before the law. It has rules allowing almost all other children the opportunity to attend school, except just the children to the most vulnerable in society. Not infrequently at Roma, says Robert Hårdh said.

Civil Rights Defenders have been presenting views and concerns, while begging the question investigated, but Robert Hårdh think that they have received great support.

It is very strange as the basis of our report and our arguments are national and international human rights law, as the Swedish politicians and government committed themselves to follow. From that perspective, it would be the course to take human rights as a starting point when talking about the most vulnerable group in our society and in Europe, he said.

Police will step up

To donate money in the mug to these people in the long term is not good, consider the investigator Martin Valfridsson.

We risk education of children is adversely affected, says Valfridsson, who believe that it is better to send to NGOs.

Thomas Hammarberg, chairman of the Swedish Commission against antiziganism, do not think it’s wrong to give money directly vulnerable EU migrants.

We know from experience that it helps. Another way is to donate through organizations with aid work. We think that both paths are commendable and are adverse to those criticizing one or the other. We find it rather odd that an official representative advises Swedes from providing humanitarian aid to individuals. It is quite unique actually, he said.

An investigation is currently being made of the possibilities to turn away people who settle on the land of another. But the police have to take a step forward to access the illegal settlements, believes Martin Valfridsson.

The police can do this today . We should not use a too complicated rules unnecessarily, says Martin Valfridsson who still think it is good that the legislation be reviewed.

He is hesitant about a generally begging ban, but it has not been in his mission .

We take this report and analyze it. Since we took office, we have worked hard at national and EU level on this issue to beggary, reduce and stop, says children, the elderly and Gender Åsa Regnér that received the report.

Satisfied municipalities

Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) has had frequent contacts with the investigator Martin Valfridsson during the work and consider that they will now have guidelines to adhere to.

The report is clear about the rules, the Swedish law, and that it should be followed. And it is good that it becomes clear that there is no requirement that you must offer schooling, says Leif Klingelsjö, responsible for the issue of the SKL.

SKL parts Martin Valfrid Sons and Åsa Regnérs view that the best long-term aid is to help in their home countries. But for many communities the problem is urgent here and now.

This is what makes the issue so difficult. This is a poor group who have it very difficult, as they want to help. It is no easy matter, but we need to have a long term perspective also says Leif Klingelsjö.

He believes that the foundation is already the legislation that municipalities need, such as the Social Services Act. Perhaps it needs to be clarified in terms of EU citizens.


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