If a child has winter clothes on when a car collides increases the risk of serious injuries significantly, if one assumes that no belt is tightened properly, according to a crash test in which the insurance company Folksam has made TV4 News the assignments.
the test was clothes on a doll representing a six-year child in winter clothes. The belt is placed correctly, but was not in the thick clothes. The forces in a crash increased as significantly as compared to a test in which the doll was wearing a safety belt correctly but without heavy clothing.
The design of the test was based on data about how children are often belted in reality they fasten themselves, or if the parents do not tighten the belt properly.
Especially much higher forces over the chest.
– it is fairly surprising that it gives such great differences when we just put to winter clothes, says Folksam’s traffic safety expert Anders Ydenius to TV4 News.

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