The police were alerted about the so-called Rififi coup at 02:01. Several police patrols and guards, who were nearby, pulled out but the thieves had time to leave the place.
– It seems that the culprits broke in through the roof of Ingelsta shopping and sights set on Guldfynd. Then they struck out through the entrance, said Tor Sevelius, duty officer at the police Folkbladet.
In September last year there was a similar burglary when the culprits broke in through the roof of the Coop and Systembolaget Ingelsta area.
on Saturday cordoned the area off for a forensic examination.
– We also have a couple of dogs and police on the ground looking in the area, said Tor Sevelius on Saturday night.
Gold thieves then fled on foot along the railway to Aby. Their tracks were clearly visible in the snow as the police could follow. But the hunt still took a while.
At the request of the Police stopped all rail traffic between Norrköping and Katrineholm in the morning, in both directions.
– We were looking for thieves and had staff on the track and we did not think they would be hit, said John Call, LKC provider of police in Östergötland.
After just a short time was the traffic on the route back in time.
After about six hours of chasing over ten police patrols knew two 23 year olds be arrested in connection tågspåret at Graversfors, about one mil (straight line, editor’s note) from Ingelsta shopping. Then it was 0745.
– It was a big leap march, those who had to fight the hardest was our dog handlers, says Tor Sevelius. But it gave the dividend.
Even a 22 year old woman was arrested before the race for the gold thieves started, just a piece of Ingelstadsgatan shopping.
Both the woman and the two 23 year olds , according to police, are foreign nationals from an East European country, suspected of aggravated theft. And the woman is also suspected of protecting the criminal. All is under arrest.
If they had any change in themselves or if they recognized the police did not want to go into on Sunday.
– We do not know if more can be involved, says Tor Sevelius.

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