SvD met SD leader Jimmie Åkesson in his office in Parliament to speak on the party’s proposal on citizenship. Photo: Anders Ahlgren / Swedish Dagbladet
Sweden Democrats went a week out with the party wants to upgrade the Swedish citizenship and raise the requirements. In the meantime, any new issuances stopped.
Now the party even further. SD leader Jimmie Åkesson want to revoke citizenship given in error, where a person lied or through corruption or crime received their citizenship.
– Citizenship is something you deserve and something you can not lie to or get falsely, he says to Svenska Dagbladet in an interview at his office in Parliament.
Jimmie Åkesson think the big groups have had their citizenship on false grounds. Among other things, he points to the Migration Board may not successfully identify a large proportion of asylum seekers.
– What we have to build on the formal reports and informal testimony from the Migration Board’s staff, said Åkesson.
to citizenship should be readmitted required a constitutional amendment. But SD mean that you can get around it by the so-called nullitetsinstitutet. It involves not formally revoke citizenship, but explains that it is invalid, and in fact never existed.
– it turns out that it can be done relatively easily with a law in parliament, says Jimmie Åkesson.
He envisions that investigations of nationality may be made, for example, when people become the subject of criminal investigations. But also that the authorities can systematically go through the groups that received citizenship, where the risk is great that many have received it in error.
– Maybe Migration Board identifies any systematic cheating linked to the fact that many have the same stories and to can assume that it is not true, then we can look at it systematically, says Jimmie Åkesson.
which court would then take decisions like SD investigating, same with whether it should be a time limit for when a citizenship should no longer be withdrawn.
How do you do with children where the parents stated incorrect information?
– it is clear that there are complex matters for children who are not themselves decide. There may be exceptions. Meanwhile, when we talk about family immigration, for example, it tends to be so that all exemptions makes the law becomes meaningless. That can not be.
Photo: Anders Ahlgren
on the question of how to identify errors in retrospect, not detected before a person receives a residence permit, says Åkesson only that it is necessary to have some kind of monitoring function. He reiterates that there can be to identify groups where the risk may be greater that incorrect information has been behind citizenship.
– The political decision will ensure that you get the resources to deal with this.
the issue has been raised before. A working group of the M picked it up in 2009, but it led on. In addition, initiated the then S-minister Mona Sahlin an investigation in 2004, after the case of corruption when officials sold citizenship.
2006 landed the inquiry to the Government. But nothing happened. The investigation concluded however held that nullity was not a viable option, but the revocation of citizenship required a constitutional amendment.
The lawyer Gunnar streams, special investigator in the latest government survey on citizenship from 2013 the party board member of M, also estimates that the non-existence can not be used.
– It does not matter which decision technology State. What matters is the practical effect, that is to say someone loses citizenship. It is protected by the constitution, he said.
2006 also hit a judgment in the Supreme Administrative Court, the current Supreme Administrative Court held that it “can not be considered that in some situations, spend a Swedish citizenship to cease by notionally any nationality never come about. “
Photo: Anders Ahlgren

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