– It is a day of sorrow and thought of the day but also a day to honor Olof Palme Memorial. We still grieve, not least on an anniversary, but we will also continue his work, his self-confidence and insight that we humans shape our own future, says Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.
It was cold but sunny when Olof Palme was honored by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven on Sunday morning. A large crowd of people and reporters were on hand to see the wreath laying.
What has he meant to you in your work?
– Not the least confidence. We make a difference. We are the people who control our destiny, we will not let anyone believe that there is someone else in control. It is the main force that I have been inspired by, said Stefan Löfven.
And the Prime Minister clearly remember his own meeting with the Olof Palme during a visit of the metal workers at Hägglunds.
– I’ll take with me the memory of a statesman who was extremely interested in listening to what the metal workers at Hägglunds had to say about their everyday lives, and it made a big impression on the metal workers there, says Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

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