– It’s sorely in Swedish interest that Britain stays in the EU. It is a nation and we often argue for free trade against protectionism and liberal market economic solutions, says the Liberals Party leader Jan Björklund.
Ebba Busch Thor (KD) writes in a comment to TT that “We share the view that the EU should engage the right questions and do not meddle in everything and in the UK is a major force.”
Many of the parts of the deal also has other countries to help introduce, as to be able to pay less in child benefits to children residing in other EU countries, but whose parents work in the country.
– We have not taken a position to the question … There is nothing that we have thought to operate and do, but I want to return to it, Löfven said yesterday.
nor L or M thinks it’s location for such a discussion now.
– a Swedish perspective, we in the Conservatives opened up a policy discussion on welfare services and when you can qualify for them. But it’s not relevant right now, it was to get an agreement, says Ulrika Karlsson, Moderate Party’s group leader in the Committee.
Jimmie Åkesson (SD) wrote in a comment to TT to agree advent is very appealing: “it confirms in many ways what we long said about the EU’s development into a supranational monster Union, in which each member state the possibility of influencing and changing moved and put in the hands of European politicians. “
from the Left Party’s hold is on the other hand of the opinion that the agreement is” unhappy “, says Jens Holm, Party member of the Committee.
– It’s all about you is a xenophobic public opinion to meet, and it should not be the summit and Stefan Löfven do. The absolute majority of the Poles, Spaniards and the majority of Swedes are in the UK are there to work, not to live on welfare, he said.
Jens Holm believes that there are other, legitimate criticism of the United Kingdom against the European Union, that should have been dedicated instead.
– it is primarily about the EU has a democratic deficit, that is where you should put the focus. To make Europe less bureaucratic and more democratic.

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