News “Please, please lift your eyes a little for once. The fact that we even have some form of idépolitisk debate left is a sign of health, not a threat “.
Tottenham Löfström is the debate director of Nyheter24.
Follow him on Twitter:tottelofstrom
But my god. What is the moralistic and bigoted country we live in anyway? Flux in Stockholm, voted to go through it is a good idea to legalize incest between consenting adults and that it should be possible to bequeath his body to science, museum or a necrophiliac if preferred.
And immediately loses half of Sweden all kinds of shades and all ability to assess proposals for what it is.
Has it really gone so far that when we see a hint of ideological discussion so distorted we all immediately in disgust and condemn the very existence of those who even dared to think the thought to ponder a question from an ideological perspective?
Let’s take it short, but from the beginning: Flux is a liberal youth. Their task is to make liberal issues and to question the legislation without due restricts individual freedom to do what they want with their own body.
Even more succinctly: they think it is silly that the government makes laws based on what people in general think is disgusting, even though it does not hurt anybody.
misunderstand me right now, it’s not about whether you think it is fair to sleep with their siblings or not. It’s about daring to talk politics with ideology as a base.
You know the ideology; that thing the parties used to deal with but which now seems to be completely blown away from the Swedish policy.
Personally, and just to avoid having various charges after this text has been published, I think both incest and nekrofililagstiftningen is good to keep. For a lot of reasons. But I really understand how it’s a fundamentally interesting question, from a liberal perspective.
all that horrified the draft engaged is quite normal, classic and stale whining conservatism where things must be as they has always been “otherwise well soon nothing is like anymore in this damn country and that gays are allowed to marry is damn shit it!”.
Please, please lift your eyes a little too once. That we even have some form of idépolitisk debate left is a sign of health, not a threat.
Put yourself in the place down and think about how you want society to look and function. Perhaps you will conclude that something is wrong in principle, and should therefore be changed.
Or you will arrive at the things that you think are disgusting should be banned and stop thinking there. The choice is yours.

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