The Swedish climate objective of zero emissions of greenhouse gases is thought to be brought forward from 2050 to 2045. Then Sweden have reduced emissions by 85 percent compared to 1990.
– Transitions takes time, it’s time to put started said David Bryngelsson, one of the researchers at Chalmers, who along with colleagues at the SP technical research Institute (SP) studied the opportunities for reducing emissions in matsektorn and agriculture.
Two insights surprised the researchers. And that there is so much difference in terms of emissions and climate impact of different types of meat. Partly to a reduction in food waste has very little effect on efforts to achieve environmental goals.
– We can even eat more meat and still meet environmental goals, but then we have to replace the beef to chicken and pork, and replace dairy to soy or oat milk, says David Bryngelsson.
to confuse beef with chicken is like mixing together a petrol car with an electric car, says David Bryngelsson, one is bad for the climate, the second is not.
– it will still, of course not throw food, but the effect of the reduction is very small when it comes to helping to reduce emissions.
in addition to eating less beef and consume fewer dairy products are more efficient production and improved technologies crucial and the researchers would total emissions could be halved by various means of production.
– A concrete way to access almost all of the emission from manure, for example, to cover manure wells. Then stop the formation of nitrous oxide, and you can capture the methane and burn it, says David Bryngelsson. With incentives through subsidies or taxes, it would be interesting for the farmer and it would also be a competition point of low emission able to sell products at a lower price.
Emissions from the production of fertilizers, according to the researchers halved if the factories are using the latest technology.

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