A small group of vocal users did Correns.ses comment field to a “catch-all”. Now shut Corren.se their comment fields – but not on all items.
The time when the major media in Sweden had open comment fields, where citizens anonymously could discuss his opinion prior to a potentially large audience, feels increasingly as a utopian experiment relegated to history. the reason? Hat, threats, sexism and racism did for many media comment fields to a smelly sewer – who also risked spilling over on the media brand.
An underlying reason for many media opted out of the anonymous comment fields is that the discussion has largely moved to social media.
now even choose Corren.se, Östgöta Correspondentens online edition, to close their comment fields.
– It’s sad, but now we close the comment fields, writes publisher Anna Lindberg on Twitter.
She motivates his decision in an article on its own site – under the heading “trolls have enjoyed their time at Corren.se”.
“We still believe in transparency. We know it is important. But at the same time we have with sadness seen how a small group of vocal users have taken our comments field possession. How they have made the venue, which was supposed to serve democracy and good conversation, a catch-all of the attacks and simplistic assertions, often disrespectful, sometimes hateful “, writes Anna Lindberg.
Corren. see has now decided to completely close the comment fields during their news articles. Opinion materials, as leaders, columns and letters to the editor should continue going to comment.
“However, we believe that the opinion articles, columns and conductors are materials that are supposed to create the right debate. And therefore it is not reasonable that you should not be able to react to the content, directly on the site. While we will be strict with the material and content that is not conducive to a readable and respectful debate will not be published “, writes Anna Lindberg.
The first comment of Anna Lindberg’s text? “Damn so nice,” writes the signature Fredrik Persson.
According to the media world to the decision, all newspapers in Östergötland Media: Corren.se, NT.se, VT.se and MVT.se.
Below you can – step by step – learn how the comments to a text about Musikhjälpen 2015 was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Anna Lindberg.

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