A 45-year old man accidental shot himself in the calf when he and a friend were out hunting in the mountains.
The accident occurred when he was holstering his weapon in his backpack.
because of snowstorms forced two ambulance helicopters turn around.
– Alpine rescuer has now taken him down with a scooter, says Catrin Hedqvist the police.
It was at 18:50 the police in Norrbotten and the mountain rescue service was alerted about the incident. A 45-year old man had been accidental shot himself in the calf.
– It’s a long way up the mountain outside Ritsem. The man’s companion had to go down to get coverage and raise the alarm about the accident, says Anders Calderäng, duty officer at the police in Norrbotten.
Alpine rescuer heading
An ambulance was sent to renvaktarstugan but had to turn back because of heavy snow showers. Next ambulance met the same problems. Instead of mountain rescuers from Ritsem away on the scooter.
Shortly after 23:30 left the mountain rescuers of the man – who reportedly was on the mountain to hunt grouse – to vägambulansen.
– The rifle, he shot himself with is of a finer caliber, says Anders Calderäng.
No criminal charges
The 45-year-old friend helped him to bandage the wound in the calf.
the accident is considered at present not as a police matter, there are no criminal charges.
– the ambulance taking him to hospital in Gällivare. Location was fairly stable, says Catrin Hedqvist.

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