The baby was a watchman at the Migration Board in Norrköping.
The mother went to the bathroom – but never came back.
– It was “take care of me “on a note in French, says Christer Viktorsson the police.
a woman took the baby when the mother went to the toilet – but the mother never came back.
– the woman said she had taken care of the child when the mother was on the toilet, but because the mother never came back so she left the baby to guard says Christer Viktorsson, duty officer at the police East region.
the guard took the baby and after a while he discovered that all was not right. Then he noticed the note on the baby’s stomach:
“Take care of me and my siblings who are nearby,” it said.
Baby is not identified
Some siblings never found nearby and the baby will be born in June 2015, but the child has not yet been identified.
– I think it was on the note that was left with the child. The note was written in French.
Migration Board took direct contact with the police and social services when they received information that the watchman was standing with an abandoned child.
– The social services have taken care of the child and the responsibility of it. There are those who know more about the current situation, says Charlotte Jacobsson, the Swedish Migration Board press office.
Left for social services office
Now the infant submitted to the social authorities in charge of the baby.
– We will assess and investigate whether the child needs to be disposed of or not. But I can not comment on the individual case, we assume the child’s best interests, says Åsa Karlsson, operations manager at the agency office children and young people.
SEE ALSO TV police: ” ‘No crime at present”

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