Malmo. After Åsa Romson tears and a massive internal criticism, the Green Party to change the focus.
The system will be expanded so that as soon as possible to increase the refugee reception again – preferably earlier than expected.
– we can both cry over bad political decisions and gather force to persistently find solutions, says Åsa Romson, MP.
three months ago the mouthpiece and climate minister Åsa Romson with tears in his eyes and presented a migration policy which lay on a European minimum level. This weekend an ecologist with the crisis of identity, to stake out a new way – of course with the migration debate in the center.
– I am most proud to represent the Green Party when I see how we cope with the company to move forward the commitment to human rights and the focus on children who are entitled to communities that give them the future, said Åsa Romson in the opening speech and continued:
– it’s the job that makes a difference for people here and now. We can both cry over bad political decisions and gather force to persistently find solutions.
The speakers in the conference room in Malmö played song list “Eurovision winner from Sweden” to cheer up the mood, and the approximately 125 participants kept good my outward. Further about 225 representatives gathered in Härnösand and Västerås.
Speech mixed with group discussions, described as crisis therapy for the party that had so much internal discontent. To deal with the discontent want the Green Party reorient the focus of the debate and the policy of migration policy – integration policies.
The goal is to expand capacity and thereby quickly return to a generous immigration policy.
– Jobs, housing and education are the issues that will determine whether Sweden can continue to stand up for humanistic ideals in the world or we risk becoming a country in Europe that closes inwards, says Party spokesperson Gustav Fridolin, who on Friday said Sweden will be able to receive up to 150,000 refugees in 2016.
the group leader in parliament, Maria Ferm, is on the same track:
– we have to adapt systems so that we are in a can better accommodate people, to ensure that we have systems that work well both many and when it will get. Then we can ensure we can accelerate the return to a more humane migration policy, she said.
The Green Party wants, among other things, improve its reputation in the housing question, where the party often accused of putting a stop to construction of green space. Therefore, the party presented a bill to Congress in Karlstad in May that the party should start working to build more and more dense, urban areas.

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