A scooter drivers during Saturday afternoon drove right into a villa outside Stjärnsund in Hedemora Municipality has died.
Police suspect that the man traveling at very high speed.
– He has come a long way into the house, says Håkan Loman at police in Dalarna.
the alarm came in to the emergency at 13.30 on that a man had a fight right into a villa in the northern Spjutsbo outside Stjärnsund in Hedemora municipality.
the rig should have forced the villa door at high speed.
– We do not know much at the moment. The snowmobile driver has gone high-speed straight into a house, and he has come a long way into the house. We have now taken the scooter seized, says Håkan Loman, duty officer at the police in Dalarna.
No criminal charges
Hakan Loman explained that the snowmobile driver, a man of 45 years old and residents of Stockholm, has nothing to do with the house. No one should have been at home when the accident occurred.
The property owner was informed after the crash of the incident, according Dala police.
After the accident were transferred the man rushed to the emergency room in Avesta, but his life could not be saved.
At present, the police suspect no man of any crime but the accident should nevertheless be investigated and a notification of negligence will also be established.
– something must have happened, if the gas is hung or if there is an accident, says Håkan Loman.
the man’s relatives are informed of the death.
“Have gone fast”
Svante Nordström, team leader at the southern Dalarna emergency, state that snowmobile ride probably started 300 meters away from another house where 45-year-old friends were witnesses to the crash.
– He has gone over a field. Witnesses thought he would veer off to the right, but he has gone straight ahead, down in a ditch and the grounds. No one understands what has happened, says Svante Nordström.
It crashed and demolished the scooter was in the house’s entrance about two meters from the front door.
The man was not conscious and had extensive injuries when emergency services arrived at the scene of the accident. They immediately began cardiopulmonary resuscitation while waiting for the ambulance.
– Given the power that he had, it has gone very quickly, says Svante Nordström.

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