DEBATE. This weekend had Liberal Youth in Stockholm District Meeting. A significant share of the union’s members and leadership met to jointly discuss and develop new policies to be able to come to terms with Sweden’s major challenges and problems.
Flux’s response to Sweden’s challenges was that incest and necrophilia should be legalized.
In other words, to wave goodbye to reason, and to what is right and wrong.
that is actually what district Cecilia Johnsson ruled that the defense of their proposals. Cecilia Johnson answers to Aftonbladet when she had questions about their unsavory bill was: “We do not generally moral laws”. So it was with the matter. Flux does not like to distinguish between right and wrong and that ethics and morals are bad.
As a liberal think you then that people do not intend to share the parental leave, but that the right to practice incest and necrophilia are fundamental to a person’s freedom. Such is liberalism, without morals, without the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.
The political philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville said that freedom is not can be secured without morality, and here we sample when those who believe themselves to defend freedom itself becomes its enemies.
It is clear that Flux’s incest proposals would lead to weaker families with more people growing up in insecure environments.
About the only thing needed to incest should be acceptable in Flux’s eyes are age over 15 years and the agreement between the parties, it is probably just a matter of time before it to be legal between parents and their byxmyndiga children too.
it goes without saying that unpleasant family circumstances and insecure environments Flux’s proposals allow.
the icing on the rotten cake is the proposed legalization of necrophilia. Just as it is not legal in Sweden to give “consent” to someone to kill one, utilizing a slave, or the like, it is obvious that you should not be able to bequeath his body to necrophiles. This legal uncertainty in the proposal is non-existent, and the vile and destructive behavior that necrophilia is should certainly not encouraged by the state.
Sweden’s Liberals have run with the Swedish left a long time led a war against the norms and morality. They believe that if man is free from all customs, norms and morals will be happier.
But the reality is different. When they wave goodbye to the morale waves also goodbye to freedom protection. It is our morality that says that it is wrong to kill, steal, rape or defile other people.
It is a norm in Sweden that we did not molest or threaten each other, wandering naked in the streets, and that we respect all people are equal.
LUF now say they do not want to base laws on morality. The question is what we should base the laws of, if not on what is right and wrong? If we are to base the laws of Flux’s free floating review, we have now got a taste of what it would mean. There is no to the royal family and parental freely distributed, but the self-evident right to incest and necrophilia. Patronized for parents mingled with moral anarchy is LUF’s response to Sweden’s challenges.
The KDU is our policy always is based on our values and our moral compass. This leads to our commitment to a strong rule of law to protect people from such violence, sexual abuse and necrophilia. We want to build a society of good values where people have the right to assistance and protection in vulnerable family situations, and not a society where the family is an insecure and traumatizing environment.
When the liberals want to legalize the desecration of dead bodies and incest says our morals contrary no. For unlike the liberals and the left, we still have our morals intact, and we are fighting for what is right and against what is wrong.
Linus Rehn
District Chairperson KDU Stockholm

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