One of the affected patients are Soren Hammarström and he believes that this is frivolous.
– For me it is very frivolous to send it out like this. A company that council ought to make sure that everything is right, if you have two years and they did not find fault until now, says Soren Hammarström and continues.
– This kind of thing must not occur. A technical problem to be such a large company to fix immediately, not after two years, he says.
Eva Samuelsson is Head of Department at Dalarna County Council’s finance unit says that the invoices are not followed when an upgrade of the administrative system at radiology updated. It was discovered in 2015.
She says that it was important for them to send a cover letter to apologize and strengthen the legitimacy of invoices.
– What has happened is that a single visit type in our radiology clinics have not been charged earlier. There was a change in the system that made these particular patients were not invoiced, says Eva Samuelsson.
She says that they now effort to put things right and says that the only serious is taking responsibility to the fine payment is completed.
– I want to emphasize that this is 3500 of nearly 600,000 invoices that we send every year, says Samuelsson.

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