Tuesday, February 2, 2016

At least 40 Swedish children of the IS areas – Expressen

The Swedish mothers go to the IS-controlled areas to participate in the fight for the terrorist organization.

Now, however, the Swedish Radio Radio that there is also at least 40 Swedish children in war zone .

– At least 40 without further ado, and then it’s a low estimate, says Yassin Ekdahl of the National Coordinator, says Yassin Ekdahl Swedish Radio.

The terror organization Islamic State paints a picture of a family-friendly idyll in its propaganda films where they try to attract new followers.

It has contributed to a number of Swedish women chosen to take their children with them when they gone to the IS-controlled areas to connect to the violent movement.

The National Coordinator against violent extremism led by former S leader Mona Sahlin, now reveals for Swedish Radio Radio that at least 40 Swedish children are in the war-torn areas.

– At least 40 without further ado, and then it is a low estimate. I could imagine that there is much, much more, says Yassin Ekdahl, committee secretary of the National Coordinator, to echo.

Many Swedish men have also gone down to marry the IS-warriors. Their possible children will thus automatically Swedish citizens.

Sapo Statistics show that a total of 286 Swedes have gone to Syria to join the IS. Several of them have died, others have returned to Sweden. Currently, it is estimated, therefore, with 120 Swedes – not including children – are in the region, a third of whom are women.

– It is usually about young mothers who have had a tangled background. Then there are others who have been saved and believe that this is paradise on earth, says Yassin Ekdahl.

He has met some of those who returned from the war, and is particularly worried about the children who have often been with much trauma.

– They see the killing as part of everyday life, bomb fallout and justification of the killing of people who have a different faith. There are also cases where mothers have been victims of rape where the child is with and see and hear, says Yassin Ekdahl echo.

He continues:

– It is shown in the play often is morbid and dealing death and beheadings. It is very nightmares, anxiety, fear and above all very aggressive.


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