Monday, December 15, 2014

South: I’m misunderstood – Aftonbladet

South: I'm misunderstood – Aftonbladet

SD’s party secretary acknowledges that the quotations about Jews and Sami are correct.

But he is still very upset – and feel misunderstood.

– It depends on the context in which to insert citations, he said.

In Sunday’s Daily News published a story from the Sweden Democrats’ convention in Västerås with a long Interview with party secretary Björn Söder.

Shortly before the DN’s reporter Niklas Orrenius decides to interview the South, he listens to a lecture party secretary of Swedishness.

– It is the case that Sweden today houses the other nations. We have, for example, the Sami nation. They are Swedish citizens, but belongs to the Sami nation. We also Tornedal pimples and so on. We accept them. But if it gets too many nations in the nation-state – then it can be a problem, said the South then.

“The quotations true”

When the South since talking to Orrenius he says that people with foreign roots must be assimilated to become Swedish. If the other nations of Sweden, he says:

– There is, for example, people belonging to the Sami or the Jewish nation in Sweden.

If one can be both a Jew and Swedish simultaneously:

– I think most of Jewish origin that have become Swedes leave their Jewish identity. But they do not do it need not be a problem. One must distinguish between citizenship and nationhood. They can still be Swedish citizens and live in Sweden. Samer and Jews have lived in Sweden for a long time.

The next second says the South that he did not believe that one can belong to two nations at the same time. In contrast, does not exclude that you are Swedish citizens.

It has caused many to crumble and interpret the south do not believe that Sami and Jews are Swedes.

The party secretary feels misunderstood.

– I think it is deplorable how journalists so casually can somehow pass an opinion that does not match with no whatsoever check what actually is the basis for this statement.

Though you’ve checked the entire interview and gone through your quotes?

– I have checked my statements. Yes, citations true but then it depends on the context in which to insert citations. I’ve been through it before.

What’s nationhood then?

– Yes, but we have a Swedish nation. We currently have five recognized national minorities, who are recognized nations in Sweden. We have Sami, Roma, tornedalningar, Sweden pimples and we have … So I all? Never mind. Well, we have Jews, of course. There we have five recognized national minorities. They are national minorities is because they are not part of the Swedish nation. Had they been part of the Swedish nation they had not had any minority status whatsoever. National minority status is because they have a religious, linguistic or cultural background and a desire to preserve their identity.

“Swedish in identity”

Are they then Swedish?

– They’re not Swedish .. They are not in Swedish identity because they have chosen to have … because they are a national minority, based on their own identity. As part of the Court’s not in the national or Swedish nation. In contrast, they in all probability Swedish citizens and Swedish in that sense. On the ideological level one must make a distinction between citizenship and nationhood. Today we have six nations who are recognized within the state. It is the Swedish nation and it is the five national minorities. It is the six-nation belongings recognized. If we have an irresponsible mass immigration policy which encourages people to come here to maintain their way of life and the like. When you create even more nations in Sweden. We see an Arab nation grow stronger especially in Malmö, which creates problems. That’s what I think has been a problem.

– Then you by journalists tried to distort this. That this should be about that I do not believe that Jews and Sami, Swedish.

As it is black and white in the article what you say.

– I say that I think most of Jewish origin who have become Swedish leaving his jew identity. I am quite convinced.

Can not be Jewish and Swedish?

– Yes, you can be a Jew who in the religious sense, but if you based on what the Jews themselves define themselves, most of them, it is that they are their own national minority. They have their identity and so on. It is clear that you can be both a Jew and Swedish in an assimilation process.

“Being someone Einstein”

South are strongly critical of Orrenius chosen to have citations in text without explain it further before.

– I can ask lots of questions to you and then you get to review your quotes and then I can just say “here we go transparent”. Then just bring them huxflux.

You knew what quote he’d have to. As it is.

– Yes, but my goodness. You must surely understand this. It needs to be well not be an Einstein to understand.

I understand what you are saying but it’s very strange when you’ve got to read question answer in the article straight up and down and so are you happy but now you are not satisfied.

– I’m telling you that citations true but just picking them huxflux that you understand the well that it depends on the context.

It is not huxflux.

– Please eachother. You need not be a rocket scientist. You can even work at Aftonbladet to understand this. If you are just picking quotes and ask questions without any introductory text.

You can not understand that people perceive you so?

– No, but I understand that you have a political agenda.

No, we have not at all. Should you stop screaming at me now?

– I do not scream. In contrast, I might talk loudly or strong voice. I do not scream.

When the South goes on to discuss and question my professional role interrupted the interview.

“I have not removed a single question”

Niklas Orrenius says that it is SD’s party secretary who himself creates the context when he was at the lecture talking about Swedishness.

– Then he bre out in my interview. I have not removed a single question from our entire conversation. It is not plucked out of any context without the other way around. It is seldom that we newspapers have so long interviews with politicians, says Orrenius,

For him it was obvious how the South saw on Jews and Sami:

– Unable to interpret otherwise. If you are the Kurds can not be Swedish, he says explicitly. He reasons the same way about Jews and Sami. I urge everyone to themselves to read my story and form their own opinion.


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