Sunday, December 14, 2014

New demo in Kärrtorp tonight – Smålandsposten

New demo in Kärrtorp tonight – Smålandsposten

Today 06:19 | Updated today 06:20

The Nazi attack in Kärrtorp shook and gave new fuel to the anti-racist movement.

Exactly one year later implemented now a new manifestation.

– I still get shivers of to think that we ordinary people forced the hardline Nazis to back, says Ammar Khorshed, active in the organizer’s Line 17 against racism.

The manifestation of Kärrtorp in southern Stockholm on 15 December last year was a reaction to Nazi graffiti in southern Stockholm. In the square there were both organized anti-racists, families and residents in the area. The numbers were interrupted by black-clad men. They walked resolutely toward the square and threw bottles. Several shouted “Sieg Heil”, others shouted “Adolf Hitler”.

Ammar Khorshed see how active anti-racism lived up after the attack.

– After Kärrtorp anti-racism became a popular movement. Many had been reminded of the danger of the Nazis, that it is not just some confused types online without being able to attack.

A year later, over 30 people, almost all from Nazi group, prosecuted. Not everyone has received their judgment, but seven people were sentenced early for rioting. Among them were three leading figures in the Nazi Swedish Resistance Movement. An extreme left of the square was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison for having stabbed one of the attackers.



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