Monday, December 1, 2014

Modern playgrounds for perfect – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

Modern playgrounds for perfect – Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet

– Is the playgrounds really for the kids or us adults? asks landscape architect Margaret Jansson, who conducted the study.

Modern playgrounds do not live up to the school children’s need for creativity, the study shows, where 141 children aged six to eleven years were interviewed about their playground environment.

– We adults want to deliver pre-designed play areas, but the kids want to build and change, says Margaret Jansson at the Agricultural University.

She believes that the playgrounds are over-engineered and has no opportunity for the children’s own spontaneous creativity and desire. And the solution to the problem is simple.

– It is about building in a natural environment where children are able to interact with the environment and create their own sites, she said.

One of the reasons that many playgrounds are artificial landscape with soft mats and foam mountain, according to Margaret Jansson be a fear for safety. Hiring an architect who creates something unique instead of purchasing playground material from any of the major suppliers simply means a risk to the playground hence not live up to current safety standards.

– It is easier to choose the right Security in finished products, she said.

She believes that we adults often think too hard when kids really just want to dig and build. And when the children’s opportunities for creativity is limited take it down as her expression in ways that make people park workers to tear his hair.

– Children can fill the tires with stone or dig large holes in the ground which for them is play but among park workers are perceived as vandalism, she says.

Margaret Jansson believes that there must be a greater understanding of children’s needs and the best playground is known as building playgrounds. In addition, children should be invited when planning playgrounds.

– You have to let the children take part in the build-up phase on a very practical level, she said.


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