Thursday, December 11, 2014

Class 2 warning over western Skåne – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Class 2 warning over western Skåne – Helsingborgs Dagblad

Skåne Published December 11, 2014 kl. 14:33

SMHI warns of storm Class 2 in western Skåne Friday. “It will be a real storm,” said Lisa Frost, a meteorologist at SMHI.

Which course it chooses is not entirely clear, but there is no doubt that there will be hefty winds.

During the afternoon the winds increased to storm in the Kattegat. Sound gets hard or very hard winds, up to 25 meters per second in the villages, according to SMHI’s site.

There is a significant number. It blows 25 m / s, so it is stormy winds we are fighting against.

So fast winds are not as long-lasting, assesses meteorologist.

The mean wind learn to stay around 12-15 meters per second. 3-4 degrees Celsius is what warmth we can expect. This should not be traffic on the Øresund Bridge VAA threatened, because it closes only when the average wind speed is 25 meters per second.

During the night of Saturday the wind decreases somewhat, but it will remain windy and cloud cover bills.

On Sunday get-like weather, assesses Lisa Frost at SMHI.

Danish weather service DMI fears that gusts of wind from the west or southwest can reach storm strength late on Friday. Occasionally there is a risk of hurricane winds. predicts rain for much of Friday and additionally gusts of up 27 meters per second, well above the limit of strong winds.

Michael Anjou


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