Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Stricter rules on animal antibiotics – Sydsvenskan

– In essence, we are satisfied. The compromise is very much based on the amendments proposed by Marit Paulsen and I put together. Compared with the current rules, it is a really powerful sharpening, says MEP Fredrick Federley (C) said.

The committee’s final compromise text is expected to come up the European Parliament’s plenary in April.

– You should never use the medication as an excuse for poor husbandry, says Fredrick Federley which together with Marit Paulsen from the then Liberal Party pushed for the more stringent the proposals.

class="b-article_initial_words"> After over eleven years in the European Parliament was replaced Marit Paulsen last year by party colleague Jasenko Selimovic.

Even MEP Peter Eriksson (MP) welcome result of the vote in the committee. He points out that the group of antibiotic treatment today is a rule in many European countries, is not an exception.


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