Thursday, January 21, 2016

Retiring Annelie Nordström about the scandals in the Municipal – Swedish Radio

After last week’s revelations about juicy representation notes and apartments distributed to the tops of the labor movement announced the Municipal Chairman Annelie Nordström that she will resign in connection with the union’s congress in May. In P1 Morgon she answered questions about retirement.

Yesterday presented Annelie Nordström a comprehensive package of measures against what she called the poor culture of the Municipal.

You took over a culture when you arrived in 2010 you said in the News last night. It means that this bad culture were there for Ylva Thörns 14 years as President? Was she aware of the bad culture?
– It is difficult for me to decide. I was her vice-president in just one year. I can not say I how Ylva Thorn saw the old sins hung with long back

You were her vice-president, you talked about this?
– No.

Are you going to get to the bottom of what possibly happened during Ylva Thörns time?
– We must ensure that there are no skeletons in the closet. When we enter the active inventory, we’ll see how far back it makes sense to go to get a better culture in the future.

Yesterday it emerged that you and 29 other komunalare alongside a Job trip to South Africa gone on safari and a portion of the costs paid by municipal, it is against precisely such, these measures should help?
– Absolutely. The package of policies that are to be reviewed also includes travel policy. There have been traditions. This was an expression of it.

How does it feel to have to introduce the package of measures against himself?

– It is actually very good in the stomach to get opportunity to take hold of this. The feeling I got when I met the board was that everyone had a heightened awareness of what we have to deal with. Local government is so much more, above all, a fantastic fighting organization for the members.

You helped Foreign Minister Wallström to rent an apartment in a building that municipal owns. This property belongs to the bottom members. So how would lease to Margot Wallström benefit the public and its members?

– It does not, of course in other than that we are getting into a rental. It was just as well have been rented to someone else.

But did you not for municipal members’ best when you helped Wallström?

– Only by ensuring that the apartment was rented out so we got into rent. I have no feeling that members benefited from the Minister, the tenant, and would not comment further. There is an ongoing criminal investigation will show whether this could be a bribe.

What is your relationship to Margaret Wallström?

– We have encountered each other many times over the years but we do not have a close relationship. My bet was to arrange contact with Anders Bergström who was responsible for the Municipal apartments.

You have myself according to Aftonbladet audit received three apartments in the house owned by Municipal, two of them in central Stockholm? Is it appropriate?

– Yes, I think contrast is very appropriate. It is necessary to Municipal’ll be able to recruit to the union office from outside the country. I came from a small village outside of Vilhelmina. I first lived in a large apartment with my then family, which was no longer appropriate as we parted. I agreed a switch to a smaller apartment.

Do you live in the apartment?

– Yes

Will you give it back?

– As apartment policy is designed now, I have tenure, but changed the policy, I will follow this policy.

Annelie Nordström was with the P1 morning during the morning. Also belongs Municipal members Sebastian Karlberg , a student in the audio clip above.


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