Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A disgrace to our society “- Aftonbladet

During the 71-year commemoration of Holocaust victims visited Prime Minister Stephen Löfven synagogue in Malmo. The church has long hoped for a visit by the prime minister – much because of the high number of hate crimes that occur in the city.

– We are a bit afraid. We do not discuss anymore if we are to leave the country, but when we do it, says Maurits Pergamon, the organizer’s Jewish community.

All rows of seats were filled when the Prime Minister Stefan Löfven stood at the pulpit in the synagogue. Here they have been waiting for the Prime Minister to come. And this has had a standing invitation for several years.

– Today, we honor the victims of the Holocaust, we honor their memory. It is extremely important that we do it. The terrible happened must never happen again. And we must never forget it, ‘said Stefan Löfven.

Over 1.5 million children were victims of the Holocaust. Therefore chose Stefan Löfven to begin with a few lines from a child’s notebook – 16-year-old Esther Goldstein – one of the victims of the Holocaust.

– “Do good, rejoice in the beauty, love life, and was not afraid of death, faith in God and a better future, quoted Stefan Löfven.

renounced anti-Semitism

He then went on to clearly distance against all forms of anti-Semitism. And lamented that Jews feel a fear of attacks.

– It’s a shame. A shame for the whole of Swedish society. A shame as we all must acknowledge, and deliver us from, said Stefan Löfven.

The security of minorities should be increased, promised Löfven, which is done through re-prioritization of police resources. He explained that both Malmö and Stockholm will get more police officers working exclusively with hate crimes. These special groups to have better opportunity to hunt näthatare.

– The reinforced efforts will be supported by a new IT center now being built up, in order to access the crime that we see online, said Löfven.

Fear part of everyday life

Fear is a part of everyday life here in Malmö, explained Maurits parchment, from the Jewish community. Hate crimes and attacks are so numerous that some Jews want to look elsewhere.

– Many people considering moving abroad, said Maurits parchment.

Malmo is, according to the Central Statistical Office, the city ​​in the country with the highest number of hate crimes occur. Therefore, it was especially important for the church to be visited by Prime Minister Stephen Löfven.

The parish Management had a brief meeting with him before he went up into the pulpit. Lifted to the problem of the growing hate crimes

– He listened. It’s good but it’s not enough. We need someone to effect anything, says Maurits parchment.


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