Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Thousands teaching students taken – Aftonbladet

In order to cover the future needs of teachers should be the number of new students in teacher education to be 8 000 more per year than today. It shows a new report by the University Chancellor’s Office (UKA), writes Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.

Since the teacher was remade in 2011, interest in education increased. The number accepted rose from around 8400 autumn term 2011 to around 12,400 in the fall.

Total is now starting around 13,000 of training per year. But the figure should be 21,000 to avoid teacher shortage in the future, according to the report. The figures are based on the assumption that only about 65 percent of those who begin to take their teaching degree.

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Fredrik Svensson, researcher at UKA, says it is not realistic to reach the figure of 21 000 novices a year, in particular as there are already low number of applicants to many specializations. Therefore, other measures than to bring in more of the programs.

A solution could be around the chores imposed on other personnel, so that qualified teachers can better deal with the profession’s core tasks.

– Licensed teachers is becoming a scarce resource that we must conserve as wisely as possible, says Fredrik Svensson told SvD.


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