Monday, June 8, 2015

Scandal accommodation received 5,000 kronor per day – Sydsvenskan

Without Experience situation degenerated rapidly Awabs accommodation in Örkelljunga. Here in Påarp got one employee quit after police reported to have acted threateningly toward young people. Still, housing continue to levy rates on over 5,000 kronor per day and children.

Photo: Mats Roslund

“Tuwagården is located inside the forest – surrounded and embraced by nature in a pastoral setting, with horses, cows and geese as a natural element. “

So describes the company A. Wahlén care, Awab, its” Noisy Inspired “HVB -home for unaccompanied children in Örkelljunga. The accommodation is aimed at young people between 14 and 18 years. Awab also runs an accommodation in Påarp outside Helsingborg. Where is the target slightly older, between 16 and 20 years and is meant to serve as utslussning accommodation for young people with permanent residence.

Awab got permission for to accept unaccompanied children in 2012 though did not manage to win any contracts and put business on hold.

But when the panic social administrations spread in the fjord phone started suddenly to call.

Then, the new law that allows the Swedish Migration Board can allocate children to municipalities without the agreement of receiving the full effect.

Rental 140 000 per month

Awab quickly got several municipalities in Skåne customers: including Lund, Vellinge, Kävlinge and Eslöv. And the price tag was high. The magazine’s review of HVB homes for unaccompanied refugee children shows that Awab last year was one of the companies in Skåne that was the most expensive.

Lund Municipality paid 140 000 per month for a child. Vellinge sent in October hit children at a cost of 105 thousand dollars a month. The home has an average price of 3,500 dollars per day – far short of the 1900 crowns that municipality usually receive in compensation from the Swedish Migration Board. In the higher prices may include more staff, but no care.

– It was a turbulent time. Many children came at the same time and many municipalities that received more instructions like Vellinge needed external investments, says Jennie Vallin, coordinator of unaccompanied children in Vellinge municipality.

Our review shows the costs of the investments of unaccompanied children in HVB homes soared for many of the municipalities in Skåne last year, although several of them simultaneously chose to start communal places.

The reason is both that it came more children to Sweden and that municipalities had not secured up enough accommodation places. They were forced to chase places in a market that was able to control the price.

Of the 18 municipalities that have been able to keep separate accounts for the cost of investments in accommodation municipality is not self-driving , has 14 reported rising costs in 2014 compared to the year before. For example, in Lund doubled spending from just under 8 to nearly 15 million.

In a growing market with new players, it is difficult to assess Lodging in advance. It testifies several employees of social services around Skåne on. The municipalities have only 48 hours to find a place to a child.
– It is very difficult to know in advance how it is. We check HVB condition, if there are matters of Ivo and we are trying to contact references, says Sofia Bengtsson, coordinator of unaccompanied children in Kävlinge Municipality.

Unfortunately it still feels sometimes like being forced take a chance and hope that it works, says Sofia Bengtsson.

– Then it will be especially important to monitor, visit and have a close contact with the youth and good men. But it may still take some time before you understand that everything is not quite right to say Sofia Bengtsson.

Kävlinge Municipality also placed children at Awab. On the website sounded their homes exemplary: “The staff’s responses are characterized always by heart, warmth & amp; security, combined with a professional and loving environment. Our accommodations are fresh and family-like, and the atmosphere interacts with the spirit of transparency and a predictable response from our secure personnel groups. “

But it would prove that the atmosphere of the accommodation was not as peaceful and well planned.


Location derail

Awab receive First unaccompanied child in August last year. At the end of the year Lodging loaded. But many children are released by the Tuwagården without anyone actually know how they feel or what they need. Neglecting to both execution plans and care plans. Nobody has the time.

The situation at home is quick of hand.

Several child abuse according to the staff of cannabis. A feel so bad that he hurt himself, and when young people get into fights, the staff will not be the situation. The children throwing furniture into the pool and smashing windows. Police have alerted several times, watchman hired to quell the fracas.

The turbulence leads to Ivo, Inspectorate for health care services will get there. Then all six working there, in addition to the superintendent, only hourly employees.

They are called caregivers, but none has training that treatment assistant.

They have no experience of working at HVB or unaccompanied children. There are no written procedures for how threats and violence should be managed.

Kävlinge Municipality reacts also. They have been told that a staff member at the accommodation in Påarp acted threateningly towards the children and police reports caregiver.

He took hard in the youth and shoved, says Sofia Bengtsson.

– He threw himself with statements that young people’s behavior could have consequences, it would be reported to the Immigration Service and that it could affect their chances of getting a residence permit. Something that is completely untrue, says Sofia Bengtsson of social services in the municipality of Kävlinge.

nurse will immediately receive quit his post. But Kävlinge concerns remain. Now the health center in Örkelljunga heard from after the one that was working at home has caressed and hugged one of the children in an overly intimate way.

Another child has been left home alone while all other skiing excursion.

In addition, a private person outside of a container in the Hurva found the invoices would Kävlinge Municipality. The securities are classified personal data on the children placed.

Tuwagården replacing all staff. Now hiring instead a guardian – as carers.

At the end of April aimed Ivo sharp criticism of the shortcomings of Lodging. The serious situation that arose could have been because no one assessed needs of young people at enrollment and that the staff has not had sufficient training.

The Inspectorate has found evaluative reviews of records and a note made by a person who has never been employee of the accommodation. Now lacking housing furthermore an authorized manager, which is a violation of law.

Conducting Johan Lindberg talks about the lack of experience and Awabs CEO Anders Wahlén blames the problems on the children. No one who manages to run a HVB with great quality in the first half, he says. The picture above was taken in an earlier context – Johan Lindberg and Anders Wahlén do not want to set up the picture now.

Image: Tommy Armour

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Questioned entrepreneurs

Awab owned by Helsingborgaren Anders. The company was previously named Tuwaa care and he also drove until recently it strongly contested now Tuwaa Special Transport AB took care transport service in a number of municipalities. The company came under fire when it, among other things, turned out to subcontractors went on his knees. Anders Wahlén sold the company which subsequently went bankrupt.

In the summer of 2014 took place the business with unaccompanied children in Awab momentum. When thousands of children made their way to Sweden began municipalities pay millions to Anders Wahléns company without knowing whether it worked.


There are high ceilings in the living room Påarp. While young people on housing moves between their rooms upstairs and the kitchen downstairs sitting Awabs CEO Anders Wahlén and business managers Johan Lindberg in a corner sofa and to explain how everything could go so wrong.

They talk about the previous manager who had not enough experience, about how there was no time to organize activities for the whole time things happened, and how difficult it is to put limits on the young people who come here.

They mention nothing about their own shortcomings. Instead, it is the children, the cultural differences and how they act as the main problem.
– The first half is difficult for anyone to operate a HVB. Man makes mistakes. There is no one who is faultless, says Anders.

But your responsibility because it went so wrong here?
– We have learned along the way, admits Johan Lindberg.

Can you start a home for children and young people in that way, start and see how it goes?
– No, it’s clear that you should have the knowledge. End of story. Can not be adventurer and start a business and see if we can handle it. Absolutely not.


Money is suspected to have been hidden

The municipalities were not just unaware of any shortcomings. While they have paid out millions to Awab as the Tax Board launched a comprehensive review of Anders Wahléns companies. It appears from the fresh document HD and Sydsvenskan taken note of.

The Tax Agency makes audits in all of his four companies, own the firm Tuwagården and PLCs Birch bark Torp Special Transport, A. Wahléns Ambulance AB and A Wahlén Care and Care AB, Awab,

Tax Agency suspects that Anders Wahlén not reported large revenues in their own firm Tuwagården, which owns the house in Örkelljunga where they unaccompanied lives.

The Swedish Tax preview shows that there are major differences between the deposits in bank accounts and his declarations.

It’s all about millions.

Anders Wahlén gives firm that manages his records all the blame if there might be some economic uncertainties.
– It turns out what is right and wrong. I can not say much about it because I always had different firms that taken care of it. I have never attended any records myself all my life, it has not been in my interest, says Anders.

If suspicions unrecognized millions in their own firm, he says:
– I do not know if the Tax Agency has access to all the material they need to be able to see the big picture. It gets the auditing firm that has been in charge of the explaining. I can not do it.

But it is well, you are ultimately responsible for the records?
– Yes, it is. But at the same time trust you after all of an audit firm. They know what they are doing.

But the fact is that Anders Wahléns own auditors, in the audit report 2013 Birch bark’s specialty transportation, pointed out that there were deficiencies in the accounts and the gross profit was not reliable.

The auditor writes that he did not have enough evidence to assess the business transactions between different companies in the group have been entered correctly, and that “further transfers from Group companies that can not a profit to other group companies are contrary to law “.

Recently, the Tax Agency to the Administrative Court in Malmö with a request for the court to decide to freeze nearly half a million dollars by Anders Wahléns assets. For that they should not disappear while the investigation is underway.

Photo: Mats Roslund


Lund has left children – Kävlinge move them

Kävlinge Municipality decided in January that the three children they placed with Awab would be moved.

In Lund Municipality reacts to but not significantly. They may know that a child they have placed there suspected to have to start using drugs and that it is turbulent Tuwagården. But no social workers go there. They are content with the contact on the phone. When Ivo doing its investigation, Lund Municipality had not been in place since November.
– No, Awab did not do anything wrong with the location. But we are vigilant, of course, says Marie Olsson, manager of social services in the municipality of Lund.

Vellinge municipality had in May still five children Awabs operations in Påarp. The coordinator Jennie Vallin takes seriously Ivo criticism.
– We will go ahead and have a discussion here how we should proceed. At the same time, we have frequent contacts with those we have placed and it is none of our who expressed that they do not like or do not want to be left behind.

A week later she returns and announces that the municipality should do the supervision of the accommodation in Påarp. They should talk to the young people and the good men and make an individual assessment of each child’s situation.

An expansion of Tuwagården in Örkelljunga has begun. They have applied for a new license in order to accommodate more children. After the interview sends the responsible of a document stating that a new director has been hired on 1 July. She is not yet approved by Ivo but Awab has hired her “to immediately begin a process of change that helps to Awab living up to the laws and regulations that form the basis of our state,” reads the document.

Despite all the deficiencies identified, the company can still charge high prices. In January they wrote a contract with the municipality where the price is now 5200 kronor per day.

Is it reasonable to continue to pay the balance in a place that has proven to have so many flaws?
– The cost per day may vary based staffing. Some homes receiving children and young people with great needs where it is important with a larger staffing. So it has been in this case. We monitor our investments and considering the decisions regularly, says Marie Olsson.

             Published: June 8, 2015 00:11 · Updated on June 8, 2015 00:15


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