Tuesday, June 30, 2015

M switches tracks in integration policies – Vasterbotten Courier

The Moderates change the focus of their integration policies and to talk about the cost of migration. According to Dagens Industri aim is to lure back voters from the Sweden Democrats.

– It is obvious that a number of voters did not think that the Conservatives took hold of the major shortcomings when it comes to integration Sweden, said party secretary Tomas Tobé to DI.

The Conservatives were the party that lost the most voters to SD in the autumn elections. The new strategy involves, among other things, to tighten security requirements for family reunification and for modified accommodation for unaccompanied refugee children. In addition, it suggests that the M language education should start as early as the Migration Board’s accommodations.

– We believe it is a key to better integration. We are in a situation where there are very many who come, we mean that we should start working with the Swedish right from day one.

Tomas Tobes press secretary Niklas Gillström would not recognize the description that the Conservatives would change their policy to attract back voters from SD.

– We relate not to the other parties. We relate to a social problem, and we want to develop our integration and migration policy. We do not do it because of the Sweden Democrats, says Niklas Gillström said.

– This is not about attracting the SD voters, it is about developing a policy area where we have seen we have had shortcomings.


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