Thursday, June 25, 2015

Local and cars on fire in Malmo – Aftonbladet

Several bangs were heard in the night in Kroksbäck in Malmo.

A community hall and three cars have been damaged by fire.

– There are many who call and alerts about the events, says Kim Hild, police spokesperson in the south region.

At halvett time during the night of Thursday, was heard several loud bangs in Kroksbäck. Several people alerted the police who later found that there is a fire in a car.

– We are in the area and working with this, trying to sort out what happened, said Kim Hild then.

Paired with garnet gems

Shortly thereafter, also reports that it burned in a community hall in Kroksbäck.

– It has been two fires. Right now it’s hard to know if it has burned in parallel or in sequence, it’s something we’re looking at right now, says Kim Hild.

Police received during the night receive a large number of emergency calls and can pair it with the garnet discoveries made in the area earlier in the week.

– It is certainly the case that many are extra attentive and anxious for this, says Kim Hild.

Just before three o’clock in the night started two more cars that burn in the area.

– There we have been on the spot and managed to arrest seven people suspected of the last two fires, those in the two cars, said Lars Lindvall, duty officer at the police south region, then.

Those arrested are suspected of vandalism.


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