Sunday, June 28, 2015

Here is the issue that determines the Centre Party and the Alliance’s future – Nyheter24

Nyheter24′s Karl Anders Lindahl analyzes the Centre Party’s major crossroads.

The Centre Party has to choose the path. And Annie Lööf need to find out what she should be the role of the Alliance. For “Anniansen” With all due respect, Loof still playing second fiddle in the collaboration, and nothing seems to poke down the Anna Kinberg Batra from the throne in a hurry.

But the Centre has something unique. The Centre Party is the only bourgeois party that is not demanded stricter requirements for refugees and asylum seekers after the election. It also means that Lööf is on a collision course with their alliance colleagues in precisely those issues. But how bold dare Centre Party be? How open arms, it should be in a Center Sweden?

The risk is that both the Alliance and the voters turn sour if the Centre Party did not get their ideas about immigration in a good way. There, Annie Lööf a huge responsibility, and perhaps an impossible task.

But it is time to choose the way. A dull party only dare to talk about the removal of subsidies on fossil fuels in the mining industry (yawn), or a loud party that can give the bourgeois voters an alternative in immigration policy.

Annnie Lööfs choices will determine both her and the Alliance’s future.


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