Sunday, June 28, 2015

Lööf: “I will review scam policy” – Expressen

Annie Lööf is the first party leader to speak at Almedal scene.

Express can tell that the Center leader will target the Prime Minister Stefan Löfvens core issue: jobs.

– It does not work to dress up old 90′s politics in the best gåbortkostymen. Sweden need real reform that cuts costs to work and grow as a company. I will in my speech tonight to take up the speechless government is when it comes to the country’s most important issue for the future, says Annie Lööf.

The Centre Party today opens this year Almedalen Week and Expressen can already tell you about some of the content in Annie Lööf’s speech tonight. Center leader will be at several points to attack the government and especially Stefan Löfven the jobs issue.

– Löfven talking about jobs, jobs, jobs. But when it comes down to it, he chooses every time to raise taxes on jobs, jobs, jobs. Even the government’s own expert authority, the Fiscal Policy Council, says that government policies will reduce employment by up to 30 000 people. I will review the scam policy says Annie Lööf.

Loof expected in the speech accusing the Prime Minister to make it difficult for artisans in the change of rotavdraget from next year.

“The threat to jobs in rural areas and will remain as Stefan Löfven cuts in rotavdraget and think the painter outside Haparanda instead will move to Stockholm and build homes.”

Hard rhetoric

The Center leader is expected to be fierce in his rhetoric and says that the government of the tax increases and a rise in youth payroll tax is a threat to businesses. Internships for young she calls for the consolation prize.

But also the Green Party will get a bout of the ladle to be growth hostile.

– the Social Democrats and the Green Party in government is something of an unholy alliance against more jobs and a better environment. The Green Party’s ideas of zero growth coupled with Löfvens tax on jobs and entrepreneurship is a toxic combination that will bring Sweden back in development. The Centre Party will be the sharpest critic and reviewer of government policy, says Annie Lööf.

On upward

The Centre Party is on the rise in recent polls. In Expressen / Demo Skop’s latest survey for June go party up by 1.1 per cent to 7.3 per cent – well before the alliance friends in KD and FP. An analysis of Demoskop Measurements in the spring has proven that the party above all walks up of female voters.

Loof in his speech to attach great importance to bring their policies in three areas: jobs, entrepreneurship and the environment.

The number at 19 finishes Centre Party today at Almedalen that begins early in TV4′s “News Morning” and continues with interviews including Swedish Television and Swedish Radio. 13:30 will Annie Lööf to Expressen valstuga to be asked out of politics reporter Niklas Svensson.


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