Sunday, June 14, 2015

Police investigating link between Malmö’s unrest – Swedish Radio

Skåne police is now investigating whether there is a connection between the night’s shootings in Malmö, when four people were injured, and the explosion in the same area last winter and the shootings and the arrest of 27 people in Rosengård recently, says Ewa -Gun Westford, communications manager at Malmö police.

– Our view is that there was a gunfire towards midnight with four shots injured people being treated in hospital today. We immediately started an investigation and we are in the midst of now, says Ewa-Gun Westford, communications manager at Malmö police.

Police investigating if there is a connection between them recent unrest in Malmo. It’s about the night’s shootings in the district Seved who also previously suffered a bomb attack, the bombing of a building in winter and shootings in Rosengård June 8, where 27 people were arrested.

– Together with this means that we have assessed the situation as such that we start a special event and also we work under the same umbrella. I want to point out that every event that occurs, we investigate separately but raising it in order to understand the context of what is happening in Malmö right now, says the Malmö police communications officers Ewa-Gun Westford.

But seeing You no connection between these events right now?

– Yes, in some way we do it. This is quite loosely connected groups. This area is not greater than we see that they have relationships with each other and acquaintances in different ways. What we are working on now is that we must both locate the offender or offenders but also we try to see the context and explanation, nothing in it, says the Malmö police communications officers Ewa-Gun Westford.


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