D et has become more expensive for the Green Party spokesperson to get beaten at their congresses. Nowadays, forced the MP leaders balance the Congress decisions by Rosenbad – or lose credibility as a government working party.
No other Swedish party leaders has got so thoroughly beaten up by their congresses, as Gustav Fridolin and Åsa Romson. It resembles almost a gauntlet.
- in 2013 drove the delegates over the management reduced working time, the gains in welfare and employer contributions for young people.
- Last summer, in 2014, Congress lifted completely unsolicited gender equality as a priority issue for the election campaign. The party leadership today consider this as a major tactical error.
- and 2015 in Örebro decides therefore the MP Congress that “coal is going to stay in the ground.” That is to say that Vattenfall should not sell any of its gigantic coal deposits in Germany, without eliminating them.
MP National Executive came Örebro with a plan for the next selection. And an important aspect is to try to promote the party as a government operational. Political opponents would say that it has not become any easier by the party entered the government.
But the voters’ view of the MP government effectiveness is influenced not only by the efforts of Rosenbad, but also by how well the party leadership manages to lead the Green Congresses.
And so, the new strategy has already got problems. Especially following the Congress decision on Vattenfall’s German kolinnehav. Partly lost the party leadership in Örebro, and it will lose again when – if – the question should be handled by the government.
It is thus set for a betrayal debate, even if the victorious MP side seems to realize that the decision is difficult to implement. Nevertheless, the MP government ministers in all cases give the impression that the fight to get the Social Democrats in the government with the line that coal will remain.
The party leadership also lost a vote of assistance that can cause problems in government work. Congress does not want aid money should be used to the refugees, to the same extent as today.
Additionally decided Congress against the leadership – and the Social Democrats – like the interest deduction will be phased out.
Though it the decision would surely be seen as just “government working” – even at the risk of offending leveraged voters want the MP Congress try to stop a housing bubble.
The Green ministers have in all cases in a series of congressional decisions will be difficult to realize in Rosenbad, and that can affect voters’ view of government capability.
But they also bring a decision can get Stefan Löfven taking hoppsa-step: MP Congress said namely – unlike the S Congress recently – no to sharing parental insurance completely equally between parents.
Such a reform is unpopular among voters, and Stefan Löfven prefer defer implementation ahead. And MP Congress’s decision makes it now easier for Löfven to deceive its own congress.
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