Sunday, June 21, 2015

Mother and 6-year-old son was stuck up in a tree – Daily News









A mother and her 6-year-old boy was stuck about ten meters up in a pine tree and took not down. When did the emergency services in Habo turn out.






A mother and her 6-year-old boy was stuck about ten meters up in a pine tree and took not down. When did the emergency services in Habo turn out.

– It is always difficult to climb down than up, says Kent Granberg, unit leader at the emergency services in Habo.

The incident occurred Ebbarp located between Habo and Bankeryd, Småland at 17 o’clock on Midsummer’s Day. The boy was out playing with some friends when he climbed up the pine. Once there, 10-12 meters up the tree, he was afraid and did not dare climb down again, says Kent Granberg.


The friends brought when his mother climbed into the pine to help his son. But neither the mother could get down from the tree, but asked the other children to call emergency services because she had not brought his cell phone.

– She thought it was safer to keep him in the tree than try to climb down, says Kent Granberg.

The rescue went his ladder against the tree and could put the boy and his mother on solid ground again.

According to Kent Granberg was the first time they went on this kind of effort, and they became a little apprehensive about how it had happened when they got the alarm. Usually there are cats that get caught up in the trees.

– But of course we take it seriously if we get an alarm from SOS. We should help people in need, it is part of our mission, he said.

He also fit to praise the boy’s peers for the righteous stake.






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