Friday, June 19, 2015

Police Researchers on theft prevention project: “Totally mad” – Radio Sweden

After the echo-examination of the police’s remarkable DNA project in Stockholm will now criticized that the police are working closely the private security companies that sell the products.

– It’s completely insane to go out with a kind of summary statement that this has reduced crime by 86 percent, a figure that has surfaced in a few ads. It’s completely uncontrollably, it takes guts to say the least, to come up with such a claim, says Johannes Knutsson, a professor of police research at the Police Academy in Oslo.

Police figured to label DNA reduce domestic burglary by over 80 percent after a pilot project in three neighborhoods in Stockholm. Numbers that, when the echo goes through them, turns out to be completely false. There was simply no evidence at all to label DNA reduced burglaries in these areas.

But police had already communicated his joy calculus on. Both in the media and the private security companies they hired in the project and who sells land-DNA products. Numbers that companies in turn emphasizes in its marketing.

– Is it compatible that they become a kind of spokespersons or sets up and speak for geschäft of this kind. I am very, very doubtful. It is the question of trust in the police, thinks Professor Johannes Knutsson.

Ulf Malmqvist’s police project manager for marking DNA project in Stockholm. He regrets that the calculation error but does not agree that the police would be too closely allied with the private players.

– We have been very careful not to creep into each other, but we have respect for each other’s roles in this project. And we have also been careful to keep the roles. The police must never sit in the lap of someone. We have now tested a method of labeling DNA and it has been shown to act as the project looks at the whole thing, he says.

But it does not give Johannes Knutsson much.

– They have no idea. This is very much unproven land and it is very difficult to make serious evaluations when you really find out if this goes or not.


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