Sunday, September 7, 2014

The gap between the blocks decreases – Swedish Radio

The gap between the blocks decreases – Swedish Radio

With a week left before the election, the gap between the Alliance and the Red-Green parties to shrink and is now down to 8, 6 percentage points. Sveriegdemokraterna is once the balance of power in parliament. It shows “Swedish väljaropinon”, the aggregate of the larger public opinion institutes as Novus makes for Echo.

Graphics: Swedish Voter Opinion, June 2014

Most indications are that there will be change of power, and that Stefan Löfven becomes prime minister, says Mikael Gilljam, professor of political science at the University of Gothenburg:

– But he will of course be extremely difficult to get through their policies in parliament. It’s almost a unique situation for Sweden, to a red-green minority must get through their policies, against a majority of the alliance and the Sweden Democrats, Giljam says, and continues:

– The only country I know to which it has worked on a number of occasions’re in Norway, where Gro Harlem Brundtland and Jens Stoltenberg has had it that way.

The Social Democrats, the Green Party and the Left get in ” Swedish voter opinion “together 47.1 percent, compared with the bourgeois parties, who receive 38.5 percent. In the previous statement, which was made in August, the gap was 11.2 percentage points. Now it has thus shrunk to 8.6.

Both Fredrik Reinfeldt’s Moderates and Stefan Löfvens Social Democrats have struggled in public opinion. Moderates ports in this measurement of 22.4 percent and the Social Democrats of the 30th

This is the lowest figure since Stefan Löfven became party leader – and a good bit away from their own goal, which is 35 percent of the vote in the election .

Svergedemokraterna get 10.4 percent , which is the best result since Swedish Voter Opinion started 2008th It makes the Sweden Democrats to the third-largest party – and the balance of power – in parliament.

But Stefan Löfven can get a difficult position as prime minister, according to Michael Gilljam.

– Probably, I think he can get through its budget for the Social Democrats and the Green Party will be greater than what the alliance will be, but since should he get through politics day by day by day, and then have a majority of four alliance parties and the Sweden Democrats against him ,. Every time they vote no to something, then the proposition are in parliament to fall.

What happens in the long run?

– Yes, then well Löfven attempt to begin talks with other parties, broaden his government in any way. Or in the end, that the Swedish people will go to the polls again.

The Green Party backs in this measurement to 9, 9 percent. Feminists get 2.6 percent.

Both the Centre Party and the Christian Democrats would get into parliament if elections were held today, according to Swedish Voter Opinion.

In recent days there have been several polls , which shows quite different results. Mikael Gilljam says there are examples such as the selection, weighting and tidsperidoder.

– But such large differences, I have never seen before, and it’s obviously not good for the industry as a whole


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