The Social Democrats and the Green Party agree on defense policy in the ongoing government negotiations.
MP had to give in and accept the increased defense spending and the purchase of new Jasplan and submarines. In exchange, MP tougher rules on arms exports and the closure of the Defence and Security Export Agency.
But the closure of the Defence and Security Export Agency, FXM, most can be a symbolic gesture. According to the Green Party group leader Maria Ferm be more of FXM’s tasks are taken over by other agencies.
– We think it is an important signal to put down an agency whose purpose is to promote arms exports. Some data will be transferred to other agencies, said Maria Ferm, without wanting to go into the tasks involved.
FXM formed in 2010 by taking over tasks from among Another Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, FMV.
Sweden’s sale of Jasplan to Brazil and Slovakia probably influenced not by the incoming government’s decision.
– past, including the FMV had some such data, says Maria Ferm.
Neither S-MP-settlement for more stringent rules on arms exports get some clear consequences in the present. Maria Ferm refers to an ongoing investigation on arms exports.
– S and MP agree that arms exports to non-democracies will be tightened. It shall also apply to subsequent deliveries and consulting services, which is particularly important in light of the Saudi deal.
Which countries Sweden will stop exporting weapons to under the new agreement between the MP and the S?
– It is something that the investigation may go through, it depends of course on what it’s all about tightening up. There we have common inputs in the investigation, said Maria Ferm.
Association of Safety – and defense companies General Secretary Robert Limmergård would not comment on the closure of the Defence and Security Export Agency until he had seen the whole proposal.
– We can confirm that FXM has had a very big importance for the Swedish company and is extremely important for the partnership.
The sharpening of the Arms Export Act says he is “reasonable”.
– We are in need of high legitimacy of export laws, says Robert Limmergård.
FXM’s Communications Manager Sofia Karlberg would not comment on the closure, arguing that it is no formal decision yet – or even a new government.
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