Monday, September 22, 2014

When appointed Reinfeldt’s successor – Aftonbladet

When appointed Reinfeldt's successor – Aftonbladet

The Conservatives choose a new party leader in March next year.

But it is not clear that Fredrik Reinfeldt will return to Parliament in the autumn.

– It remains to see what assignments he will pursue, says Moderates’ party secretary Kent Persson.

Fredrik Reinfeldt surprised many when he announced his resignation “in our” already on election night, and the decision has been criticized on several fronts.

On Monday held Moderate Party a special meeting where they decided to hold a special party conference in Stockholm, March 7 by 2015.

The purpose is simple – to elect a new party leader.

– It is the responsibility of the party to create the conditions for the new leader should be able to prepare for his mission. It requires a bit of humility and for this person to get prepare in peace and quiet, says Kent Persson.

The new party leader will sit at least eight years, said Kent Persson, and it requires ample time for preparation . But although it may seem a long way until March so Moderates will still get to keep a fast pace in his work, says Kent Persson.

As a first step, Moderates Nomination launch their work and look at the characteristics of a leader should have and how to make sure to get broad support from the entire party around the party leader.

Many share responsibility

What happens to the rest of the party executive remains to be seen.

– We have regular party conference in a year, in autumn 2015, so we’ll see how the Committee works with the rest of the party executive.

So it may happen that even the replacement?

– They are selected through October, and now we will see if anyone else want to leave, but we know nothing about today. A new party leader needs to form a new party leadership eventually and it must gradually take place over the next year, says Kent Persson.

Why will it be until March before a new party leader is appointed?

– We have a leader in place, Fredrik Reinfeldt. We also have several other leading moderates who take their share of responsibility. For us it is important to create peace and tranquility in the party so that we can work, says Kent Persson.

Not responding yes

When asked if Reinfeldt will return to the autumn parliamentary debates responding party secretary Kent Persson not yes.

– Fredrik Reinfeldt’s party leader. Now it remains to see what assignments he will pursue.

How long Kent Persson himself remains at his post because of the future party leadership.

His mission is to put the party organization from the new economic conditions as an electoral defeat means, lead the development of a new party leader and ensure that the party gets an election analysis on the spot.


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