Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Martin Wannholt want new referendum – Gothenburg Post

Martin Wannholt want new referendum – Gothenburg Post

Martin Wannholt (M) opens for a new referendum on the West Swedish package. But first, Gothenburg negotiate a new settlement where Västlänken not included, he thinks.

Gothenburgers no to congestion charging took politicians by surprise. Even moderate Councillor Martin Wannholt was surprised:

– Yes, especially for multiple measurements taken before the election so clearly pointed to yes.

What did your article in GP , with criticism of the West Link, for the result?

– Dissatisfaction was there even before the article, but I think many people in Gothenburg who were previously resigned then decided to go and vote.

Do you regret debate the article and that you therefore, affect the outcome of the referendum?

– No, I regret nothing. The ambiguity surrounding the West Link costs are a major issue for Gothenburg future.

But where timing really the right one?

– No, I should have gone out earlier. Even before the summer I talked with others in the party and was then told that they were cautiously optimistic that we would write. Unfortunately I did not bring our group leader Jonas Ransgård on it then.

How will you deal with politicians now result?

– With the utmost respect. Firm now requires a good poll so that we may know why 57 percent of Göteborg, voted no. We need to know how many people think that the congestion tax is unfair, how many people are dissatisfied with the arrogance of power in the city and how many are critical of the unprofitable project Västlänken.

What will happen next?

– When we know how public opinion looks like we get to sit down and renegotiate the package. What I hope for is a smaller package.

How will the package look like?

– Instead of Västlänken it is possible to expand the current Central Station with more tracks. This “surge option” is already investigated and clearly. To increase the attractiveness of the city, we must also invest in better public transport in the city, such as the rapid trams.

Do you think the people of Gothenburg want it that way?

– If we manage to renegotiate, I want to open a new referendum. I think it’s important that we go to the voters and ask the question directly. It is important to have transparency and that we allow citizens to be involved.

But will the state and the regions to support such a package?

– It may be so that regional politicians have been difficult for a new package. While there are some pre investigated bets that also benefits the region, such as a fast train between Gothenburg and Borås.

You have stuck your neck out properly. Will you remain in the municipal government?

– I really want to be there and make sure we get a good package. So far, Jonas Ransgård sat in the steering committee for the West Swedish package and the place I’m not looking for. However, I am very excited to move forward with local issues that mean a lot to people in their everyday lives.

Do you think you politicians have been too bad at it?

– Yes, I think we need to build a better organization to meet people where they live. In the local community asking people not for “the better school,” but after that the school where their children are going to get better. It’s about delivering results – and therefore I love local politics.

What is your role at The Conservatives

– I think the Jonas Ransgård is good as group leaders and alliance party leaders. For me it’s better to be a “doer”. It has worked well for us to work together during the last term of office, except for the period after the debate the article. It has become a leaven that formed and bubbling.

You got more personal than the check Ransgård. Who is most popular in the party?

– There are certainly people who have opinions on all of us. And no one is perfect. I think that Jonas needs someone like me. But the most important thing now is that the party befriends their constituents.


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