Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sweden Democrats on Nazi coup in Ludvika – Swedish Radio

Sweden Democrats on Nazi coup in Ludvika – Swedish Radio

Nazi Per Öberg has been elected to Ludvika city council in one of the Sweden Democrats’ mandate evokes strong reactions from the Sweden Democrats in Ludvika.

Published Tuesday, September 23 at 14:43

Couple Oberg is a leading figure within the Nazi and violent organization Swedish Resistance.

– We’re taking everything away as we can from that, says Benny Rosengren, the Sweden Democrats in Ludvika.

To Par Oberg can come in, even though he is not a member of the Sweden Democrats, because the SD in Ludvika progressed to seven seats but has not had as many candidates and therefore had open lists.

Selectors have then been able to write to own name. And it was enough with 18 personal votes for Per Öberg would take one of the Sweden Democrats’ mandate in Ludvika.

P4 Dalarna has spoken with Pär Öberg, who would not comment on the radio. But he says the resistance movement’s own website that he will accept the mandate.

It means he will be the maverick in Ludvika. The Sweden Democrats do not want to be associated with the Swedish Resistance Movement, says Benny Rosengren (SD).

– No, absolutely not.

He believes that this type of events hurt the Sweden Democrats.

– We lose the one vote in the council, so it destroys the us. People should know that we can not turn to him, though he is not even. It is not a good advertisement for us in that way, he says.

Even on the national level in Sweden Democrats so criticized Swedish Resistance coup in Ludvika.

– We can only strongly condemn these People sit on our mandate and urge them to renounce their seats which they have said they will not do, says Björn Söder, party secretary of the Sweden Democrats.

– I’ll also look at why Ludvika chose not to block our list and instead have empty seats than we receive extremists back door that lacks popular support, says Björn Söder.

In Borlänge, a person from the Swedish Resistance Movement, Pär Sjogren, received votes in SD -valsedlar. He will not be in the council today but may do so if the Sweden Democrats defects.


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