Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Close to 13,000 unauthorized to high school – Västervikstidningen

Close to 13,000 unauthorized to high school – Västervikstidningen

The proportion of students who did not pass the ratings barrier to high school this year was 13.1 percent, up from 12.4 percent last year. But at the same time, the average merit value. “The students who are doing well are gaining higher grades. Meanwhile, the 12 700 students who failed to qualify for upper secondary school,” says the National Agency Director General Anna Ekström.

The schools – public and independent – that best managed to give their students high school eligibility is Vellinge, Danderyd, Lidingö, Mörbylånga and Taby. There have 96-99 percent of students received powers enough to at least upper secondary school vocational programs. The poorest municipalities in this regard is Övertorneå Gullspångsälven, Tibro Sorselevägen and Vingaker. In Övertorneå became 30 percent of ninth-graders are not eligible for any program, in Vingaker much as 37 percent.

The preliminary rating results for ninth-graders were presented a month ago. The National Agency for Education, is now the definitive rating statistics. The percentage of unauthorized persons have not changed.

The average merit rating, based on the student’s best 16 subject grades, became the year 214.8 points. The average merit rating has increased gradually over the years and last year it was at 213.1.

The figures also show that students in private schools have significantly higher average value than in public schools. If you count on 16 subjects have free schools an average merit rating of 233.1 points while public schools have 211 In private schools, 64 percent of students educated parents, in public schools is 49 percent.

New from the years is that students who received a passing grade in a modern language – Spanish, French or German – may calculate its merit rating of 17 instead of 16 ratings. This means that the highest possible rating value has risen from 320 to 340 points. Calculated based on 17 subjects, it was average merit rating is 222.1.

To be eligible for high school must have passed in Mathematics, English, Swedish or Swedish as a second language. In addition, the student must have approved in more subjects. For professional programs, students must have approved another five topics, college preparatory program required additional nine subjects.


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