Published today 8:12

The price of the MH370 may deliberately altered by anyone in the cockpit, according to an intelligence report.
The Malaysian aircraft MH370′s course was changed probably intentional, says a preliminary report by US intelligence.
The Malaysian aircraft MH370′s course was changed probably intentional, says a preliminary report by US intelligence.
The plane with 239 people on board disappeared without trace on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014. But in a report, based on data from satellite images and other evidence, the evidence suggests that the aircraft changed course was a deliberate move by someone in the cockpit, according to sources told CNN.
After the disappearance of the plane has suspicions about pilots and other members of staff investigated but no evidence has emerged to suggest that the goal was to crash the plane. But if the aircraft’s course was changed deliberately to spotlight once again directed at the aircraft personnel.
Meanwhile, the flap that was found earlier this week to elude flight experts. It is still uncertain whether the flap belonging to a Boeing 777, which was the model airplane that disappeared in the Indian Ocean. But the damage to the flap allows air than the experts disagree more. While some aviation experts interpret the damage to the flap as it sat on the plane when it hit the water, think of an independent group of aviation experts that the air flap can be released from the plane while it was still in the air.
The reason why it concludes, is that the damage to the flap should have been different if it still sat on the plane when the plane hit the water. The lack of damage to the front of the flap makes it more likely that the plane was in a rapid, steep, spiraling descent and that the flap flapped the loose, says the group for CNN.
flap will flown to France on Friday night to hopefully provide answers about the flap really belonged MH370 and how it broke loose from the plane. Also other things that have washed ashore on the French island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean is investigated. Among other things, investigating the man of parts of a suitcase, a Chinese water bottle and an Indonesian wash product may have been aboard the plane.

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