– Swedish police have never had this much money we have now, said Dan Eliasson when he took over as national police chief in November 2014.
Since many employees responded to Eliasson looked so favorably on police resources. Since then much has happened. Last year began the massive reorganization of the police, the number of refugees who came to Sweden increased sharply and in November raised terrorhotnivån.
Large migrant flows
Since last fall Dan Eliasson warned that the authority will need to hire more. Of the Budget for 2017-2019 as Police Authority now handed over to the government is clear that it considers necessary additional 3300 employees. The money these are about 3.9 billion more over the period.
“It is above all the migrant flows that increase the burden on us. In the short term the border controls and increased oversight at the asylum accommodation. In the long term, we must also be prepared to be able to assist more at verkställigheter, “said Dan Eliasson polisen.se.
Violent areas
in the budget documents also mentioned that – while reorganization continues – requires efforts to “combat serious and organized crime” and to “increase security in particular priority areas”. It’s about 14 areas where it occurs shootings and other open violence, where the drug trade is handled openly, where the police find it difficult to work undisturbed and many residents feel unsafe.
On top of that is the terrorist threat. The probability that there are people with both the intent and ability to carry out terror attacks in Sweden is considered high.
If the efforts police are now asking for resonating expected authority until the year 2020 to be up to the target of 2 000 police and 1300 civilian employees. Today the Police Authority just over 28 000 employees, of which nearly 20,000 are police officers.
For more than a month ago, said Interior Minister Anders Ygeman (S) to TT, following the refugee crisis:
– I’ve always said that if this situation is prolonged – then we must inject more resources to the police. How and when will we then have a discussion with the police as part of the normal budget process.

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