Thursday, March 24, 2016

Three injured by gunfire on Lindängen – Sydsvenskan

Read also: Man shot in the Augustenborg

Police cordoned off field and had dog patrol in place to secure any traces. Police work was complicated by that there were many people in the place when they got there and it took a while from the event itself that the alarm was set.

Photo: Patrick Persson

– As I understand, they have called a good while after, the callers. We’ve got to make initial steps, block and take in those displaced, said Böhmer.

See also: Gunfire when you fled in the taxi

​​ All three were conscious when they were taken to hospital and has been questioned by the police, announces internal command of the police, Ulrika Olsson, on Wednesday night.

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Claes Böhmer, field officer in place on Lindängen center.

Photo: Patrick Persson

– event classified as attempted murder. One of the plaintiffs had a bullet left in his leg and needed surgery, says Ulrika Olsson early on Thursday morning.

A gun dog looking shell casings on the ground.

Photo: Patrick Persson

at 04: 30 pm was no arrest for the shooting.

Now, there have been three shootings in the space of just a few hours in Malmo. Do you see any connection between the events?

– I do not see any connection between any of them. It seems to be completely separate in those cases where the victim is known, says Hans Nilsson.


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