Mohamed Belkaids life ended in the district of Forest in Brussels, 16 March, just days before the bloody attack on the airport Zaventem and metro in the Maelbeek. He was shot dead by police during a crackdown on suspects linked to terror network IS. Some data suggest that he was heavily armed at the time.
The Algerian citizen Belkaid had lived in Sweden for a few years until 2014. In Sweden, he was sentenced for some petty crimes. Belkaid was also active as a deputy member of two companies linked to the construction industry. He lived at an address outside Stockholm with a woman who is now deceased.
SvD’s after increases show that the woman was active in two other companies during the early 1990s. In most companies, including a car dealership, even put a Swedish man of the Board. The same man, now in his 50s, now sits as a member of the company where Belkaid is now registered as a deputy.
Mohamed Belkaid. Photo: Police
The 50-year-old man company could not be reached. SvD’s after increases show that the man, who then been acquainted with the woman Belkaid lived in Sweden, appearing in several bankruptcies. Just a few days ago changed the 50-year-old his address from the same town Belkaid came from, to another county.
Belkaid appeared on the media radar in connection with leaked iS documents that showed thousands of names of people who signed up for the terrorist group’s network. Belkaid was on the list, reported that a suicide bomber.
It belongs to the security police nature that one can not always share the information they have or not.
But who really was Mohamed Belkaid who had lived many years in Sweden? Was he a simple thief? And how much did Swedish secret service?
There are many indications now that he had a central role in the Paris attacks, in which 130 people died and over 350 were injured.
The following are confirmed: Belgian police called Belkaid the beginning of December 2015, he went under a false name; Samir Bouzid. The identity, four days before the Paris attacks. Belkaid had sent about 7400 crowns via Western Union, money that went directly to a woman named Ait Boulahcen Hasna, a cousin of one of the bombers behind the Paris attacks.
Images from the Belgian police ad from december 4, 2015, a few weeks after the Paris attacks. Photo: Police Fédérale Belgique
Belkaid called as “dangerous and armed” December 4, 2015.
Data do now claims that Belkaid had the leading role for the attacks in Brussels before he died. American CNN quoting Belgian security sources believe that Belkaid probably also was the commander of the IS terror cell that carried out the attack in Paris.
From the Swedish side , it is the cap on when it comes Belkaid who lived in Sweden for several years.
Svenska Dagbladet has asked the Security Service of Belkaid been the subject of any investigation or is known to whom Belkaid really was. Clearly, he left Sweden for Syria and that he came back to Europe to carry out bloody attacks of the terrorist group IS name. Had Belkaid contact with the terrorist group from Sweden before he left?
Sapo respond via email:
“We are extremely rare in the data of individuals. As we have said before, : the information we may have on the matter, we communicate with the Belgian authorities. we leave it to them to make the judgment about what information can be given with respect to the ongoing police investigation “, responding SAPO’s press secretary Frederick Milder.
Minister Anders Ygeman (S) would not comment on reports that Belkaid may have had a much more central role.
– I can not comment on it, it must ask the claiming that it is so.
Security Service would not comment about the organization at all familiar with this person. What do you think that they do not want to comment on this, as it can be seen as important for the public to find out?
– I have no idea about. Security Service is certainly good reasons not to comment. It belongs to the security police nature that one can not always share the information they have or not. I understand that it makes the choices, says Anders Ygeman to SvD.
Police Authority in turn refers to the Security Service.
– There is nothing that we can comment when it is linked to individuals. It is SAPO having the question and then we did not have any other comment than to refer to the Security Service, said Fredik Wallen, spokesman of the Police Authority.

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